
Masterstudium Artificial Intelligence (UK 066/993)

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Übersicht ECTS Credits
(*)Machine Learning and Perception34,50
........ UE (*)Deep Learning and Neural Nets II1,50
........ VL (*)Deep Learning and Neural Nets II3,00
........ UE (*)Deep Learning and Neural Nets I1,50
........ VL (*)Deep Learning and Neural Nets I3,00
........ UE (*)Deep Reinforcement Learning1,50
........ VL (*)Deep Reinforcement Learning3,00
........ UE (*)Explainable AI1,50
........ VL (*)Explainable AI1,50
........ UE (*)LSTM and Recurrent Neural Nets1,50
........ VL (*)LSTM and Recurrent Neural Nets3,00
........ UE (*)Theoretical Concepts of Machine Learning1,50
........ VL (*)Theoretical Concepts of Machine Learning3,00
........ UE (*)Computer Vision1,50
........ VL (*)Computer Vision3,00
........ UE (*)Probabilistic Models1,50
........ VL (*)Probabilistic Models3,00
(*)Seminar and Practical Training10,50
........ PR (*)Practical Work in AI (Master)7,50
........ SE (*)Seminar in AI (Master)3,00
(*)AI and Society10,50
........ VL (*)AI and Law II1,50
........ VL (*)AI and Law I3,00
........ KV (*)Artificial Intelligence in Society1,50
........ KV (*)Communicating AI1,50
........ KV (*)Robopsychology3,00
(*)Elective Tracks16,50/17,75/18,00/9,00
........ (*)AI and Mechatronics – Robotics and Autonomous Systems16,50
................ UE (*)Control Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Control Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Introduction to Autonomous Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Introduction to Autonomous Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Introduction to Robotic Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Introduction to Robotic Systems3,00
................ VL (*)Production Automation Systems3,00
........ (*)AI and Mechatronics – Embedded Intelligence and Signal Processing17,75
................ UE (*)Pervasive Computing: Design and Development1,50
................ VL (*)Pervasive Computing: Design and Development3,00
................ UE (*)Pervasive Computing: Systems and Environments1,50
................ VL (*)Pervasive Computing: Systems and Environments3,00
................ UE Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme1,50
................ VL Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme3,00
................ UE Radarsignalverarbeitung1,25
................ VL Radarsignalverarbeitung3,00
........ (*)Reasoning and Knowledge Representation18,00
................ UE (*)Knowledge Representation and Learning1,50
................ VL (*)Knowledge Representation and Learning3,00
................ UE (*)Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence1,50
................ VL (*)Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence3,00
................ VL (*)Automated Reasoning3,00
................ UE (*)Model Checking1,50
................ VL (*)Model Checking3,00
................ UE Automated Reasoning1,50
........ (*)AI and Life Sciences9,00
................ UE (*)Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences1,50
................ VL (*)Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences1,50
................ KV (*)Genome Analysis & Transcriptomics3,00
................ KV (*)Structural Bioinformatics3,00
(*)Area of Specialization10,50/9,25/9,00/18,00
........ (*)Computer and Data Science
................ KV (*)Basic Methods of Data Analysis3,00
................ UE (*)Computational Logics for AI1,50
................ VL (*)Computational Logics for AI3,00
................ UE (*)Introduction to Computational Statistics1,50
................ VL (*)Introduction to Computational Statistics3,00
................ UE (*)Machine Learning: Supervised Techniques1,50
................ VL (*)Machine Learning: Supervised Techniques3,00
................ UE (*)Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques1,50
................ VL (*)Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques3,00
................ UE (*)Programming in Python II1,50
................ VL (*)Programming in Python II1,50
................ UE (*)Reinforcement Learning1,50
................ VL (*)Reinforcement Learning3,00
................ UE (*)Statistics for AI3,00
................ VL (*)Statistics for AI3,00
................ UE (*)Visual Analytics1,50
................ UE (*)Knowledge Representation and Learning1,50
................ VL (*)Knowledge Representation and Learning3,00
................ UE (*)Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence1,50
................ VL (*)Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence3,00
................ UE Softwareentwicklung 23,00
................ VL Softwareentwicklung 23,00
................ KV (*)Big Data Management and Processing3,00
................ KV (*)Computational Data Analytics3,00
................ KV (*)Conceptual Data Modeling3,00
................ KV (*)Debugging3,00
................ KV (*)Emerging Computer Technologies4,50
................ KV (*)Hardware Design4,50
................ VL (*)Information Displays3,00
................ KV (*)Information Visualization4,50
................ KV (*)Knowledge Based Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Learning from User-generated Data1,50
................ VL (*)Learning from User-generated Data3,00
................ UE (*)Machine Learning and Pattern Classification1,50
................ VL (*)Machine Learning and Pattern Classification3,00
................ KV (*)Mobile Computing3,00
................ UE (*)Model Checking1,50
................ VL (*)Model Checking3,00
................ KV (*)Multimedia Search and Retrieval4,50
................ KV (*)Parallel Computing4,50
................ KV (*)Principles of Cooperation4,50
................ KV (*)Principles of Interaction4,50
................ KV (*)SAT Solving3,00
................ KV (*)Semantic Data Modeling and Applications3,00
................ VL (*)Visual Analytics3,00
................ IK Operations Research3,00
................ KS Operations Research3,00
................ KV (*)Statistical Principles of Data Science6,00
................ SE Computational Logistics: Metaheuristiken6,00
................ SE Computational Logistics: Optimierung6,00
........ (*)Mathematics
................ VL (*)Automated Reasoning3,00
................ VL (*)Computer Analysis3,00
................ VL (*)Manyvalued Logic3,00
................ VL (*)Mathematical logic 13,00
................ VL Inverse Probleme3,00
................ VL Stochastische Prozesse3,00
................ UE (*)Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics1,50
................ VL (*)Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics3,00
................ VL Algorithmische Kombinatorik3,00
................ UE Automated Reasoning1,50
................ VL Computability theory3,00
................ UE Computational Geometry1,50
................ VL Computational Geometry3,00
................ UE Computer Analysis1,50
................ UE Computer Algebra1,50
................ VL Computer Algebra3,00
................ VL Formales Modellieren3,00
................ VL Formal Semantics of Programming Languages3,00
................ UE Funktionalanalysis1,50
................ VL Funktionalanalysis4,50
................ UE Manyvalued Logic1,50
................ UE Fuzzy Systems1,50
................ VL Fuzzy Systems3,00
................ UE Inverse Probleme1,50
................ UE Markov-Ketten1,50
................ VL Markov-Ketten3,00
................ UE Mathematical logic 11,50
................ UE Optimierung1,50
................ VL Optimierung4,50
................ KV Practical in Logic and Software Design3,00
................ KV Programming project symbolic computation3,00
................ VL Rewriting in Computer Science and Logic3,00
................ VL Spezialvorlesung Optimierung3,00
................ VL Special Topics symbolic computation3,00
................ VL Spezialvorlesung Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Mathematische Statistik3,00
................ VL Spezialvorlesung Wissensbasierte mathematische Systeme3,00
................ UE Stochastische Prozesse1,50
................ VL Wissens- und Datenbasiertes Modellieren3,00
........ (*)Mechatronics
................ UE (*)Control Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Control Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Introduction to Autonomous Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Introduction to Autonomous Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Introduction to Robotic Systems1,50
................ VL (*)Introduction to Robotic Systems3,00
................ VL (*)Production Automation Systems3,00
................ UE (*)Pervasive Computing: Design and Development1,50
................ VL (*)Pervasive Computing: Design and Development3,00
................ UE (*)Pervasive Computing: Systems and Environments1,50
................ VL (*)Pervasive Computing: Systems and Environments3,00
................ KV Übertragungstechnik3,00
................ UE Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme1,50
................ VL Optimale und Adaptive Signalverarbeitungssysteme3,00
................ PR Grundlagenpraktikum Robotik3,00
................ PR Regelungstechnik3,00
................ UE Regelungstheorie linearer Systeme3,00
................ VL Regelungstheorie linearer Systeme3,00
................ UE Signale und Systeme1,50
................ VL Signale und Systeme4,50
................ VL Medizintechnik 23,00
................ VL Medizintechnik3,00
................ VL Prozessautomatisierung 13,00
................ VL Prozessautomatisierung 23,00
................ PR Prozessautomatisierung Praktikum 13,00
................ PR Prozessautomatisierung Praktikum 23,00
................ UE Radarsignalverarbeitung1,25
................ VL Radarsignalverarbeitung3,00
........ (*)Life Sciences
................ UE (*)Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences1,50
................ VL (*)Artificial Intelligence in Life Sciences1,50
................ KV (*)Genome Analysis & Transcriptomics3,00
................ KV (*)Structural Bioinformatics3,00
................ UE (*)Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetics3,00
................ VL (*)Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetics3,00
................ VL (*)Introduction to Genetics1,50
................ VL (*)Organic Chemistry 1 for Biological Chemistry4,50
................ UE Bioanalytics I1,50
................ VL Bioanalytics I3,00
................ UE Molekulare Biologie der Zelle I1,50
................ VL Molekulare Biologie der Zelle I3,00
................ KV Topics in Genetics & Evolution3,00
................ UE Medical Imaging1,50
................ VL Medical Imaging4,50
................ VU Advanced Topics of Molecular Biotechnologies3,00
................ VL (*)Biochemistry3,00
................ VL (*)Instrumental Analytical Chemistry3,00
................ VL (*)Introduction to Organic Chemistry3,00
................ VL (*)NMR Spectroscopy1,50
................ VL (*)Organic Chemistry 14,50
................ VL (*)Advanced NMR 11,50
................ VL Organische Chemie für Physik3,00
........ (*)Special Topics
................ KV (*)Special Topics in AI1,50
................ UE (*)Special Topics in AI1,50
................ VL (*)Special Topics in AI1,50
................ KV (*)Special Topics in AI3,00
................ UE (*)Special Topics in AI3,00
................ VL (*)Special Topics in AI3,00
................ KV (*)Special Topics in AI4,50
................ VL (*)Special Topics in AI4,50
................ SE (*)Special Topics in AI3,00
................ KV (*)Special Topics (1,5 ECTS)1,50
................ UE (*)Special Topics (1,5 ECTS)1,50
................ VL (*)Special Topics (1,5 ECTS)1,50
................ KV (*)Special Topics (3 ECTS)3,00
................ UE (*)Special Topics (3 ECTS)3,00
................ VL (*)Special Topics (3 ECTS)3,00
................ KV (*)Special Topics (4,5 ECTS)4,50
................ SE (*)Special Topics3,00
........ (*)Miscellaneous
................ KS Einführung in Organisation3,00
................ KS Einführung in Veränderungs- und Innovationsmanagement3,00
................ KS Grundlagen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre3,00
................ KS Grundlagen des Supply Chain Management3,00
................ KV Projektorganisation3,00
................ KV Präsentations- und Arbeitstechnik3,00
................ VL Rechtsgrundlagen der Informatik3,00
................ VL Wirtschaftsgrundlagen der Informatik3,00
................ VL (*)Computer Forensics and IT Law3,00
................ VL (*)Literature Searching, Publishing and Patents1,50
................ KV (*)Scientific Writing and Presenting3,00
................ VL Thinking, Speaking, Writing3,00
................ KS Soziale und geschlechterspezifische Aspekte der IT3,00
................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies3,00
................ KV (*)Gender Studies Managing Equality TN3,00
(*)Master's Thesis Seminar3,00
........ SE (*)Master's Thesis Seminar3,00
(*)Free Electives12,00