Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Computer Science 2021W |
Ziele |
(*)Students master foundational concepts and techniques of machine learning and data mining. They are able to competently use data mining software on practical problems, and have a thorough theoretical understanding, which enables them to implement such methods on their own. In particular, they are also familiar with the challenges of big data.
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Data mining process models, Pre-processing techniques, Inductive rule learning, Efficient similarity-based techniques, Clustering for big data, Association rule mining, Foundations of Stream Mining, Evaluation
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)Written Exam at the end of the semester, Project assignment
Lehrmethoden |
(*)Slide Presentations with Practical Exercises
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)I. H. Witten, E. Frank, M. A. Hall, C. J. Pal: Data Mining. Morgan Kaufmann.
J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, J. D. Ullman: Mining of Massive Datasets. Cambridge University Press.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |