
Master's programme Psychology (focus in Technology and Economy) (UK 066/904)

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Overview ECTS Credits
........ Research Methods & Evaluation10,00
................ VU Research Methods & Evaluation4,00
................ VL Multivariate Statistics3,00
................ UE Computer-Based Applications of Multivariate Statistics3,00
........ Psychological Assessment11,00
................ VL Advanced Psychological Assessment4,00
................ VU Workplace Assessment & Health Promotion4,00
................ UE Applications of Psychological Assessment Methods3,00
........ Advanced Application24,00
................ Technical & Media Psychology6,00
........................ VL Technical & Media Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Technical & Media Psychology3,00
................ Work & Organizational Psychology6,00
........................ VL Work & Organizational Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Work & Organizational Psychology3,00
................ Economic Psychology6,00
........................ KS Economic Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Economic Psychology3,00
................ Health Psychology in Technology & Economy6,00
........................ VL Health Psychology in Technology & Economy3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Health Psychology in Technology & Economy3,00
........ Project Work and Communication of Scientific Results5,00
................ SE Bridging the Research-Practice Gap4,00
................ PR Participation in Psychological Research1,00
........ Advanced Fundamentals12,00
................ Social Psychology6,00
........................ KS Advanced Social Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Social Psychology3,00
................ Physiological Psychology6,00
........................ VL Advanced Physiological Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Physiological Psychology3,00
................ Developmental Psychology6,00
........................ VL Advanced Developmental Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Developmental Psychology3,00
........ Additional Electives6,00
................ Clinical & Health Psychology6,00
........................ VU Psychopathology3,00
........................ UE Psychological Counseling3,00
................ Humans & Technology6,00
........................ KV Responsible AI3,00
........................ KV Technology and Society3,00
........................ KV Communicating AI1,50
........................ KV Web Usability1,50
........................ KS Social and gender IT aspects3,00
........................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies3,00
........................ KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN3,00
................ Work & Economy6,00
........................ KS Introduction to Economics3,00
........................ KS Markets and Economic Decision Making4,00
........................ KS Introduction to Business Administration2,00
................ Social & Intercultural Competence6,00
........................ SE Assorted Aspects of Intercultural Competence2,00
........................ SE Assorted Aspects of Social Competence2,00
........................ KS Assorted Aspects of Social and Intercultural Competence2,00
........................ KS Theory of Social Skills4,00
........................ KT Training of Interactive Skills3,00
................ (*)Recht6,00
........................ KO Protection against discrimination in labour law1,50
........................ KO Protection against discrimination in social security law1,50
........................ KO Gender constructions1,50
........................ AG Legal remedies in the area of non-discrimination1,50
........................ VL (*)Compliance für Gender und Diversity I2,00
........................ VU Law of employment relationship3,00
........................ VU Law of Social Security I3,00
........................ VU Psychology of Law3,00
........................ VU Collective labour law3,00
........................ SE Labour law3,00
........................ VU Law of Social Security II3,00
........................ SE Law of Social Security3,00
................ Education6,00
........................ UE Education3,00
........................ SE Educational Systems and Society3,00
........................ SE Adult Education and Lifelong Learning I3,00
........................ SE Education: Focus I4,00
........................ SE Adult Education and Lifelong Learning II3,00
........................ SE Education: Focus II4,00
................ Sociology6,00
........................ KV Technology and Society3,00
........................ VU General Sociology: An Introduction3,00
........................ VU Introduction to Special Sociologies6,00
........................ VU Economic and Work Sociology: Basics3,00
........................ SE Economic and Work Sociology: Advanced Studies6,00
........................ VU Special Theoretical Positions and Trends3,00
........................ VU Positions and Trends in Gender Studies3,00
................ Social Psychology6,00
........................ KS Advanced Social Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Social Psychology3,00
................ Physiological Psychology6,00
........................ VL Advanced Physiological Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Physiological Psychology3,00
................ Developmental Psychology6,00
........................ VL Advanced Developmental Psychology3,00
........................ SE Special Topics in Developmental Psychology3,00
........ UE Supervision of the Psychological Practicum1,00
........ PR Practicum9,00
(*)Freie Studienleistungen12,00
Master's Thesis, Final Examination & Accompanying Courses30,00
........ Accompanying Courses to the Master's Thesis4,00
................ SE Literature Review for the Master's Thesis3,00
................ SE Presentation & Discussion of the Master's Thesis1,00