
Diploma programme Diploma programme Law (UK 101)

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Overview ECTS Credits
First stage of studies44,00
........ Civil Law I13,00
................ AG Civil Law I4,00
................ KS Civil Law I4,00
................ UE Civil Law I5,00
........ Public Law I13,00
................ UE Public Law I (1)1,00
................ UE Public Law I (2)4,00
................ AG Public Law I4,00
................ KS Public Law I4,00
........ Criminal Law I4,00
................ VU Criminal Law I4,00
........ Austrian and European Legal History8,00
................ AG Austrian and European Legal History: Selected Topics1,50
................ VL Austrian and European Legal History: Selected Topics0,50
................ VL History of Public Law1,00
................ VL History of Civil Law1,00
........ Roman Law6,00
................ AG Case Studies Roman Law1,50
................ VL Law of obligation1,00
................ VL Roman Law of property1,00
Second stage of studies172,00
........ Compulsory subjects132,00
................ Civil Law28,00
........................ AG Civil Law3,00
........................ UE Civil Law8,00
........................ VL Law of Succession1,00
........................ VL Family Law1,00
........................ VL International Civil Law0,50
........................ KS Law of Property3,00
........................ KS Law of Obligations/General Part3,00
........................ KS Law of Obligations, Contractual Obligations2,00
........................ KS Law of Obligations, Legal Obligations3,00
................ Commercial Law12,00
........................ VL General Corporate Law1,00
........................ VL Company law2,00
........................ VL Antitrust law and law of unfair competition1,50
........................ UE Corporate Law4,00
........................ VL Negotiable instruments law0,50
................ Labour and Social Security Law10,00
........................ VL Basics of Social Security Law1,00
........................ VL Individual Labour Law1,50
........................ VL Collective Employment Law1,00
................ Law of Civil Procedure12,00
........................ VL Non-litigation procedure0,50
........................ KV Contentious proceedings4,00
........................ VL Insolvency Law (esp. Bankruptcy Law)0,50
........................ KV Measures of execution2,00
................ Criminal Law II14,00
........................ VL Sanctions Law0,50
........................ VL Criminal Procedure1,50
........................ VL Criminal Law, Special Part1,50
........................ UE Criminal Law II8,00
........................ VL Criminal Law, General Part0,50
................ Constitutional Law14,00
........................ AG Public Law II3,00
........................ VL Fundamental Rights II0,50
........................ KS Fundamental Rights I2,00
........................ KS Acts of State and Administration2,00
........................ VL Organisation and administration of state II1,00
........................ KS Organisation and administration of state I2,00
........................ VL Administrative procedure and jurisdiction of Public Law II1,00
........................ KS Administrative procedure and jurisdiction of Public Law I3,00
........................ UE Public Law II (1)2,00
........................ UE Public Law II (2)5,00
................ Administrative Law14,00
........................ AG Public Law II3,00
........................ VL Selected aspects of substantive administrative law1,50
........................ KS Acts of State and Administration2,00
........................ KS Organisation and administration of state I2,00
........................ VL Administrative procedure and jurisdiction of Public Law II1,00
........................ KS Administrative procedure and jurisdiction of Public Law I3,00
........................ UE Public Law II (1)2,00
........................ UE Public Law II (2)5,00
................ Public International Law6,00
........................ KV Precourse Legal English3,00
........................ VL Public International Law1,00
................ European Law6,00
........................ VL European Law1,50
................ Tax Law4,00
........................ VL Tax Law1,00
................ Legal gender studies and Antidiscrimination Law3,00
........................ KV Legal gender studies and Antidiscrimination Law3,00
................ Legal philosophy3,00
........................ KV Legal philosophy3,00
................ Areas of economics for law students6,00
........................ KV Economics for law students6,00
........ Areas of specialization21,00
................ Jurisdiction21,00
........................ VL Company law with special attention to court practice3,00
........................ VL Intellectual property rights with special attention to court practice1,50
........................ VL Individual Labour Law, Specialisation1,50
........................ VL Collective Employment Law, Specialisation1,50
........................ VL Credit security / recent developments1,50
........................ VL Law of Social Security - Intensifying Course on benefits1,50
........................ VL Criminal procedure and subsidiary subjects3,00
........................ KO Structural issues civil law II3,00
........................ KO Structural issues civil law I3,00
........................ KO Law of Civil Procedure, Specialisation4,50
................ Criminal Law21,00
........................ KO Selected chapters of financial criminal law1,50
........................ KO Forensic psychiatry1,50
........................ KO Legal and social medicine1,50
........................ VL International Criminal Law1,50
........................ VL Criminology/divergent behavior3,00
........................ KO Police law as interface between criminal procedure and security law3,00
........................ KO Legal training: file and case analysis3,00
........................ VL Legal Psychology1,50
........................ KO Sexual crime legislation1,50
........................ SE Property rights and criminal law3,00
........................ KO Law of sanctions and criminal policy1,50
........................ KO Criminal procedure law, especially remedies3,00
........................ KO Victimology1,50
................ Public Administration21,00
........................ VL Regional Administration - The One-Stop-Model1,00
........................ VL E-Government1,50
........................ VL Introduction to Administrative theory1,50
........................ VL Regional Politics: Basics and special issues2,25
........................ VL Basics of budgetary law and audit of administration of funds2,25
........................ PS Corruption - Prevention and anti-corruption measures1,50
........................ PR ...4,50
........................ VL Staff in Public Administration1,50
........................ KV Administration in practice4,50
........................ VL Practice of administrative jurisdiction0,75
........................ KV Writing Workshop European and Austrian Public Law1,50
........................ VL Tax policy1,50
........................ VL Environmental plant law3,00
........................ VL Environmental administrative law3,00
........................ VL ...1,50
........................ KV Workshop: Legislative process1,50
........................ KV Workshop Actions and Decisions in proceedings1,50
........................ KV Workshop administrative procedures and written submissions2,00
................ International Law21,00
........................ (*)LVCommonLawCivilProcedureVL ((*))
........................ VL EU-Outer relations1,50
........................ VL Internal Market1,50
........................ VL European Labour and Social Security Law1,50
........................ VL European company and capital market law1,50
........................ VL European competition and public procurement law3,00
........................ KV European and international private law1,50
........................ VL LOAC and IHL1,50
........................ VL Institutional issues1,50
........................ VL International Commercial Arbitration1,50
........................ VL Air and Space Law1,50
........................ VL Substantive EU Law: Pending Questions1,50
........................ VL Law of International Organisations1,50
........................ SE Legal Problems Related to Cultural Integration1,50
........................ VL Selected Topics: Common Law Legal Order/US Bankruptcy Law1,50
........................ VL Proceedings before the ECJ1,50
........................ VL International Economic Law1,50
................ Commercial Law21,00
........................ VL Accounting and taxation1,50
........................ AG Arrangement of collective standard1,50
........................ AG Arrangement of employment contracts1,50
........................ AG Formation of partnership contracts1,50
........................ VL Intellectual Property Rights1,50
........................ VL Insolvency Law3,00
........................ VL Tax law concerning syndicates1,50
........................ VL Business taxation1,50
........................ AG Accounting1,50
........................ KO Individual Labour Law, special topics1,50
........................ KO Collective Employment Law1,50
........................ KO Social insurance law, emphasis contribution law1,50
........................ VL Tax law and choice of business systems3,00
........................ VL Company law, capital market law3,00
................ Environmental Law21,00
........................ VL Law of waste management1,50
........................ VL Introduction to environmental law1,50
........................ VL Industrial environmental liability law1,50
........................ VL International Environmental Law3,00
........................ VL Environmental plant law3,00
........................ VL Private environmental law - general part1,50
........................ VL Private environmental law - special part1,50
........................ VL Green taxes1,50
........................ VL Environmental administrative law3,00
........................ VL Traffic and energy law1,50
........................ VL Water protection1,50
................ State, Society and Politics21,00
........................ VL Consitutional Jurisdiction: Current issues2,25
........................ VL E-Government1,50
........................ VL Financial Constitution2,25
........................ VL Regional Politics: Basics and special issues2,25
........................ VL Basics of budgetary law and audit of administration of funds2,25
........................ VL Law and Society: Basic issues - religion - ideology - culture1,50
........................ VL State and Constitutional Theory II2,25
........................ VL State and Constitutional Theory I2,25
........................ VL Ecclesiastical law4,50
................ Legal Gender Studies, Non-Discrimination and Diversity21,00
........................ IK Current status of Non-Discrimination in jurisprudence and teaching3,00
........................ KO Protection against discrimination in labour law1,50
........................ KO Protection against discrimination in social security law1,50
........................ KO Conversion of family law3,00
........................ PS Past and presend gender questions1,50
........................ KO Gender constructions1,50
........................ PS Non-diskrimination in international law1,50
........................ IK Categories of discrimination in comparative jurisprudence1,50
........................ KO Austrian and Europen legal gender history3,00
........................ AG Legal remedies in the area of non-discrimination1,50
........................ IK Criminal law, sexuality and gender1,50
................ Legal History and Legal Philosophy21,00
........................ VL Selected issues of Roman Law4,50
........................ VL Selected Topics from European Legal History II3,00
........................ VL Selected Topics from European Legal History I3,00
........................ AG Cases of roman law3,00
........................ SE Seminar on Austrian and European legal history3,00
........................ SE Seminar Legal Philosophy1,50
........................ VL Legal Philosophy3,00
................ Foreign Law21,00
........................ VL EU-Outer relations1,50
........................ VL Internal Market1,50
........................ VL European Labour and Social Security Law1,50
........................ VL European company and capital market law1,50
........................ VL European competition and public procurement law3,00
........................ KV European and international private law1,50
........................ VL International Commercial Arbitration1,50
........................ VL International Criminal Law1,50
........................ VL International Environmental Law3,00
........................ IK Categories of discrimination in comparative jurisprudence1,50
........................ VL Substantive EU Law: Pending Questions1,50
........................ VL Law of International Organisations1,50
........................ SE Legal Problems Related to Cultural Integration1,50
........................ VL Proceedings before the ECJ1,50
........................ VL International Economic Law1,50
........................ VL European Tax Law1,50
................ Private Law21,00
........................ KV European and international private law1,50
........................ KV Sociopolitical aspects of civil law1,50
........................ VL Credit security / recent developments1,50
........................ VL Tenancy law1,50
........................ VL Co-ownership and condominiums1,50
........................ KO Structural issues civil law II3,00
........................ KO Structural issues civil law I3,00
........................ VL Insurance law1,50
........................ KS Workshop Reasoning techniques and law enforcement3,00
........................ KS Workshop Contract design and interpretation of contracts3,00
................ Core Competencies21,00
........................ VL Recent research issues European law3,00
........................ KV Writing Workshop European and Austrian Public Law1,50
........................ KO Structural issues civil law II3,00
........................ KO Structural issues civil law I3,00
........................ KS Workshop Reasoning techniques and law enforcement3,00
........................ KV Workshop European Public Law2,00
........................ KV Workshop European and Austrian fundamental rights2,00
........................ KV Workshop Actions and Decisions in proceedings1,50
........................ KS Workshop Contract design and interpretation of contracts3,00
........................ KV Workshop administrative procedures and written submissions2,00
........ Diploma thesis - Diploma thesis colloquium - Diploma thesis seminar19,00
................ Diploma thesis colloquium4,00
................ Diploma thesis seminar3,00
........................ SE Preparation for diploma thesis3,00
Free study achievements24,00