
Master's programme Mechatronics (K 066/481)

Overview ECTS Credits
Required subject54,50
........ Basics of Mechatronics33,00
................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control3,00
................ KV Computer Aided Product Development3,00
................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing3,00
................ KV Electrical Drives3,00
................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields3,00
................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems3,00
................ KV Advanced Machine Design3,00
................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics3,00
................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems3,00
................ KV Thermofluiddynamics3,00
................ KV Communications Engineering3,00
........ Mathematics and Nature Sciences20,00
................ Mathematics10,00
........................ UE Geometrical Methods1,25
........................ VL Geometrical Methods3,00
........................ KV Numerical Analysis and Optimization5,75
................ Physics7,00
........................ UE Physical Principles of Mechatronics2,50
........................ VL Physical Principles of Mechatronics4,50
................ Computer Science3,00
........................ PR Systems Programming3,00
........ Gender Studies1,50
........ Electrical Drive Engineering0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Electric Drive Technology
........................ VL Selected Topics of Electrical Drive Technology3,00
........................ PR Lab for Electrical Drives3,00
........................ PR Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering Lab3,00
........................ UE Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering1,25
........................ VL Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering3,00
........................ VL Theory and Applications of Magnetic Bearing Technology3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Hydraulics
........................ PR Hydraulic Lab3,00
........................ KV Servohydraulics3,00
........................ KV Oil Hydraulics4,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Power Electronics
........................ VL Cooling of Electronical Elements1,50
........................ UE Power Electronics 11,25
........................ VL Power Electronics 13,00
........................ UE Power Electronics 21,25
........................ VL Power Electronics 23,00
........................ PR Power Electronics Lab3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Pneumatics
........................ KV Pneumatics3,00
........................ PR Pneumatics Lab3,00
........................ KV Simulation Methods in Fluid Power3,00
................ KV Selected Chapters of Mechanisms and Gear Trains3,00
................ PR Design of Hydraulic Systems3,00
................ SE Design of Hydraulic Systems4,50
................ KV Design Methodologies3,00
........ Automatic Control and Robotics0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Control Systems Technology
........................ KV Special Topics of Control Design3,00
........................ VL Control System Technology 13,00
........................ VL Control System Technology3,00
........................ PR Control System Technology Lab 13,00
........................ PR Control System Technology Lab 23,00
........................ SE Seminar Automatic Control3,00
........................ UE Process Control Instrumentation Technology1,25
........................ VL Process Control Instrumentation Technology3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Control Theory
........................ KV Special Topics of Control Theory3,00
........................ UE Modern Frequency Domain Methods in Control1,25
........................ VL Modern Frequency Domain Methods in Control3,00
........................ UE Optimal Control1,25
........................ VL Optimal Control3,00
........................ UE Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 11,25
........................ VL Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 13,00
........................ UE Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 21,25
........................ VL Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 23,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Robotics
........................ KV Special Examples in higher Kinetics1,50
........................ KV Special Topics in Robotics3,00
........................ PR Robotics Lab4,50
........................ SE Robotics Seminar3,00
........................ UE Robotics1,25
........................ VL Robotics3,00
........................ SE Seminar Walking Robots3,00
........................ UE Control of Robot Systems1,25
........................ VL Control of Robot Systems3,00
........ Mechatronic Design0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Computer-Aided Manufacturing
........................ UE Selected Aspects and Applications of the Method of Finite Elements1,25
........................ VL Selected Aspects and Applications of the Method of Finite Elements3,00
........................ VL Special Topics in Manufacturing Technology3,00
........................ KV Computer Aided Manufacturing - CAD-CAM4,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Mechanisms and Gear Trains and Design Theory
........................ KV Selected Chapters of Mechanisms and Gear Trains3,00
........................ PR Design of Hydraulic Systems3,00
........................ SE Design of Hydraulic Systems4,50
........................ KV Design Methodologies3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Design of Lightweight Structures
........................ UE Lightweight Design with Composite Materials1,50
........................ VL Lightweight Design with Composite Materials3,00
........................ VL Structural Health Monitoring3,00
........................ KV Structure Analysis with Finite Element Methods1,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Mechatronic Product Development
........................ VL Special Topics in Mechatronic Design3,00
........................ PR Computer Aided Product Development3,00
........................ VL Computer Aided Design - CAD3,00
........................ VL Introduction to Innovationmanagement and Marketing3,00
........................ SE Solution Finding Techniques3,00
........................ VL Realization of technical developments3,00
................ PR Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering Lab3,00
................ UE Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering1,25
................ VL Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering3,00
................ PR Hydraulic Lab3,00
................ KV Oil Hydraulics4,50
........ Sensors and Instrumentation0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Measurement Technology and Sensors
........................ VL High Precision Measurement Techniques3,00
........................ KV Selected Problems in Measurement Technology2,50
........................ KV Selected Problems in Sensor Technology2,50
........................ PR Optical Measurement Systems4,50
........................ VL Optical Measurement Systems3,00
........................ PR Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics3,00
........................ VL Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics3,00
........................ VL Simulation Software Tools in Mechatronics3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Digital Signal und Image Processing
........................ PR Digital Image Processing3,00
........................ VL Digital Image Processing3,00
........................ PR Discrete Time Signal Processing4,50
........................ UE Discrete Time Signal Processing2,50
........................ SE Discrete Time Signal Processing3,00
........................ UE Statistical Signal Processing2,50
........................ VL Statistical Signal Processing3,00
................ UE Analogue Circuit Design1,25
................ VL Analogue Circuit Design3,00
................ PR Computer-assisted Analogue Circuit Desgin4,50
................ UE Microsensors1,25
................ VL Microsensors3,00
................ VL Microwave Sensing3,00
........ Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Analog Electronics
........................ UE Analogue Circuit Design1,25
........................ VL Analogue Circuit Design3,00
........................ KV Special Topics in Microelectronics3,00
........................ PR Computer-assisted Analogue Circuit Desgin4,50
........................ UE Electronic Systems1,25
........................ VL Electronic Systems3,00
........................ VL Design of Integrated A/D-Converter3,00
........................ VL Integrated RF Circuit Design3,00
........................ PR Advanced Electronic Circuits Lab3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Digital Electronics
........................ UE Digital Hardware Design1,25
........................ VL Digital Hardware Design3,00
........................ VL Special Topics in Integrated Circuits3,00
........................ PR Circuit Design with HDL Lab (Hardware Description Language)4,50
........................ SE Seminar Integrated Circuits3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Electrodynamics
........................ KV Specialisation in electrical networks and electromagnetic fields3,00
........................ UE Advanced Electrodynamics and Network Theory1,25
........................ VL Advanced Electrodynamics and Network Theory3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Microsensors and Microsystems Technology
........................ KV Selected Topics in Microsystems Technology3,00
........................ UE Microsensors1,25
........................ VL Microsensors3,00
........................ PR Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology Lab3,00
........................ PR Mircosensors Laboratory3,00
........................ SE Seminar Microsystems Technology3,00
................ UE Microwave Engineering 11,25
................ VL Microwave Engineering 13,00
................ UE Microwave Engineering 21,25
................ VL Microwave Engineering 23,00
................ VL Microwave Sensing3,00
................ VL Optical Sensors for Biomedical Applications3,00
................ PR Laboratory Course in RF-Measurements-Techniques3,00
................ PR Microwave Lab3,00
................ VL Nanofabrication II: Semiconductor Technology3,00
........ Communications- and RF-Engineering0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: RF Engineering
........................ UE Microwave Engineering 11,25
........................ VL Microwave Engineering 13,00
........................ KV Selected Topics in Microwave Engineering3,00
........................ UE Microwave Engineering 21,25
........................ VL Microwave Engineering 23,00
........................ VL Integrated RF Circuit Design3,00
........................ VL Microwave Sensing3,00
........................ PR Digital Signal Processing for Communications and Radar Lab3,00
........................ PR Laboratory Course in RF-Measurements-Techniques3,00
........................ PR Microwave Lab3,00
........................ PR Radar Lab3,00
........................ UE Radar Signal Processing1,25
........................ VL Radar Signal Processing3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Communications Engineering
........................ KV Selected Topics in Communications Engineering4,50
........................ UE Digital Communication Systems1,25
........................ VL Digital Communication Systems3,00
........................ KV Selected Topics in Communications Engineering3,00
........................ UE Digital Signal Processing for Communications Engineering1,25
........................ VL Digital Signal Processing for Communications Engineering3,00
........................ PR Digital Communication Systems Lab3,00
........................ VL Mobile Communications3,00
........................ SE Communications Engineering, Seminar3,00
........ System Analysis and Optimization0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Automotive Control
........................ UE Selected chapters in dynamical systems1,25
........................ VL Selected chapters in dynamical systems3,00
........................ UE Fundamentals of Combustion Engines1,25
........................ VL Fundamentals of Combustion Engines3,00
........................ VL Control Systemes Design II3,00
........................ PR Combustion engine control3,00
........................ VL Combustion engine control3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Control Systems
........................ SE Advances in System Analysis and Control3,00
........................ VL Analysis and Control of vehicle drivelines3,00
........................ UE Special Topics of Control Systems Design1,25
........................ VL Special Topics of Control Systems Design3,00
........................ PR Biological Control Loops Lab1,50
........................ VL Biological Control Loops Lab3,00
........................ KV Control Systemes Design I4,25
........................ UE Energy systems control1,25
........................ VL Energy systems control3,00
........................ PR Adanced Lab in Adaptive and Predictive Control3,00
................ PR Analysis and Control of vehicle drivelines lab3,00
................ UE Mathematical Methods of System Analysis1,25
................ VL Mathematical Methods of System Analysis3,00
................ PR Control Systemes Design II3,00
........ Mechanics of Solids and Fluids0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Computational Methods of Mechanics
........................ KV Selected Topics in Computational Methods in Mechanics3,00
........................ PR Experimental and Numerical Methods in Mechanics4,50
........................ VL Experimental and Numerical Methods in Mechanics3,00
........................ UE Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanics1,25
........................ VL Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanics3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Strengh of Materials
........................ KV Selected Topics in Strength of Materials3,00
........................ VL Advanced Strength of Materials3,00
........................ SE Modern Trends in Engineering Mechanics3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Numerical Methods in Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
........................ KV Introduction to particle simulation3,00
........................ PR Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics4,50
........................ VL Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics3,00
........................ SE Seminar in Thermofluiddynamics3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Sound and Vibrations
........................ KV Selected Topics in Theory of Vibrations3,00
........................ KV Vehicle Dynamics3,00
........................ UE Mechanics of Smart Structures1,25
........................ VL Mechanics of Smart Structures3,00
........................ KV Modelling of vibratory systems3,00
........................ UE Rotordynamics1,25
........................ VL Rotordynamics3,00
........................ SE Seminar Engineering Mechanics of Sloid Bodies3,00
................ Subject for the master exam: Thermo-Fluid Dynamics
........................ KV Special Topics in Thermofluiddynamics3,00
........................ UE Fluid Dynamics 11,25
........................ VL Fluid Dynamics 13,00
........................ UE Fluid Dynamics 21,25
........................ VL Fluid Dynamics 23,00
........................ PR Thermofluiddynamics Laboratory4,50
................ VL History of the principles of mechanics3,00
........ Advanced principles of mathematics and nature sciences for machatronics0,00-23,50
................ Subject for the master exam: Advanced Mathmatics for Mechatronics
........................ KV Stochastic processes3,00
........................ VL Statistical methods3,00
........................ VL Mathematical fundamentals of CAD3,00
........................ UE Mathematical methods in control theory1,25
........................ VL Mathematical methods in control theory3,00
................ UE Experimental Physics II1,25
................ VL Experimental Physics II3,00
................ VL Semiconductor and Solid State Physics3,00
................ PR Semiconductor physics laboratory3,00
................ UE Fuzzy control1,50
................ VL Fuzzy control3,00
................ UE Fuzzy logic1,50
................ VL Fuzzy logic3,00
................ UE Statistical methods1,50
................ UE Reliability theory1,50
................ VL Reliability theory3,00
................ VL Semiconductor devices3,00
................ VL Optoelectronic devices3,00
Master's Thesis Seminar3,00
........ SE Master's Thesis Seminar3,00
Free electives12,00