
Master's programme Leadership and Innovation in Organizations (UK 066/986)

Overview ECTS Credits
Boot Camp16,00
........ BC1: Foundations of management6,00
................ SE BC1: Foundations of management6,00
........ BC2: Induction: Team development4,00
................ SE BC2: Induction: Team development4,00
........ BC3: Foundations of management science6,00
................ KS BC3: Foundations of management science6,00
Capacity Building35,00
........ CB1: Responsible Leadership and change management6,00
................ KS CB1: Responsible Leadership and change management3,00
................ SE CB1: Responsible Leadership and change management3,00
........ CB2: Innovation management6,00
................ KS CB2: Innovation management3,00
................ SE CB2: Innovation management3,00
........ CB3: Entrepreneurship and new business venturing6,00
................ KS CB3: Entrepreneurship and new business venturing3,00
................ SE CB3: Entrepreneurship and new business venturing3,00
........ CB4: Digital transformation and platform economy6,00
................ KS CB4: Digital transformation and platform economy3,00
................ SE CB4: Digital transformation and platform economy3,00
........ MS: Social skills and analytical skills6,00
................ SE MS1: Data, Algorithms and Coding3,00
................ SE MS2: Gender & diversity skills3,00
........ RS: Research skills I5,00
................ SE RS1: Research toolkit I4,00
................ SE RS2: Master's thesis seminar I1,00
Capacity Integration35,00
........ CI1: Organizing Responsible Innovation and Transformation6,00
................ KS CI1: Organizing Responsible Innovation and Transformation3,00
................ SE CI1: Organizing Responsible Innovation and Transformation3,00
........ CI2: Financial and strategic market analysis6,00
................ SE CI2: Financial analysis3,00
................ SE CI2: Digital market strategy3,00
........ CI3: Entrepreneurship and business modeling6,00
................ SE CI3: Entrepreneurship and business modeling I3,00
................ SE CI3: Entrepreneurship and business modeling II3,00
........ CI4: Research Skills III: AI & Evidence-based management research6,00
................ SE CI4: Research Skills III: AI & Evidence-based management research I3,00
................ SE CI4: Research Skills III: AI & Evidence-based management research II3,00
........ MS: Leadership skills and entrepreneurial skills6,00
................ SE MS3: Leadership skills3,00
................ SE MS4: Entrepreneurial skills3,00
........ RS: Research skills II5,00
................ SE RS3: Research toolkit II4,00
................ SE RS4: Master's thesis seminar II1,00