You will read in groups of 2 a selected paper and do a short presentation on it:
1. Balkin, David B., Len J. Treviño, and Caroline Straub. 2022. “The Effect of Gender Inequities in the Classroom and Beyond in U.S. Business Schools.” Journal of Management Education 46 (3): 582–606.
2. Due Billing, Yvonne, and Mats Alvesson. 2000. “Questioning the Notion of Feminine Leadership: A Critical Perspective on the Gender Labelling of Leadership.” Gender, Work & Organization 7 (3): 144–57. [](
3. Eck, Dide van, Laura Dobusch, and Marieke van den Brink. 2023. “Creating Inclusivity through Boundary Work? Zooming in on Low-Wage Service Sector Work.” Human Relations.
4. Greenberg, J., and E. Mollick. 2016. “Activist Choice Homophily and the Crowdfunding of Female Founders.” Administrative Science Quarterly 62 (2): 341–74. [](
5. Johnson, Michael A, Regan M Stevenson, and Chaim R Letwin. 2018. “A Woman ’ s Place Is in the … Startup! Crowdfunder Judgments, Implicit Bias, and the Stereotype Content Model.” Journal of Business Venturing, no. March: 1–19. [](
6. Kaufmann, L. 2022. "Feminist Epistemology and Business Ethics." Business Ethics Quarterly 32(4): 546-572.
7. Malmström, Malin, Jeaneth Johansson, and Joakim Wincent. 2017. “Gender Stereotypes and Venture Support Decisions: How Governmental Venture Capitalists Socially Construct Entrepreneurs’ Potential.” Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 41 (5): 833–60. [](
8. McAdam, Maura, Richard T. Harrison, and Claire M. Leitch. 2018. “Stories from the Field: Women’s Networking as Gender Capital in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems.” Small Business Economics, 1–16.
9. Obukhova, Elena, and Adam M. Kleinbaum. 2020. “Scouting and Schmoozing: A Gender Difference in Networking during Job Search.” Academy of Management Discoveries.
10. Rocha, Vera, and Mirjam van Praag. 2020. “Mind the Gap: The Role of Gender in Entrepreneurial Career Choice and Social Influence by Founders.” Strategic Management Journal 41 (5): 841–66.
11. Wynn, Alison T. 2019. “Pathways toward Change: Ideologies and Gender Equality in a Silicon Valley Technology Company.” Gender and Society XX (X): 1–25.
For an in-class exercise on AI diversity you need to read the following readings:
Logg, J. M. (2019). Using algorithms to understand the biases in your organization. Harvard business review.
Daugherty, P. R., Wilson, H. J., & Chowdhury, R. (2018). Using artificial intelligence to promote diversity. MIT Sloan Management Review.