Bachelorstudium Informatik (UK 033/521)
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Übersicht |
ECTS Credits |
Propädeutikum | 1,50 | ........ KV Propädeutikum | 1,50 | Theorie | 36,00 | ........ UE Algebra | 3,00 | ........ VL Algebra | 3,00 | ........ UE Analysis | 3,00 | ........ VL Analysis | 3,00 | ........ UE Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität | 1,50 | ........ VL Berechenbarkeit und Komplexität | 3,00 | ........ UE Diskrete Strukturen | 1,50 | ........ VL Diskrete Strukturen | 3,00 | ........ UE Formal Models | 1,50 | ........ VL Formal Models | 3,00 | ........ UE Logic | 1,50 | ........ VL Logic | 3,00 | ........ UE Statistik | 3,00 | ........ VL Statistik | 3,00 | Hardware | 22,50 | ........ UE Digitale Schaltungen | 1,50 | ........ VL Digitale Schaltungen | 3,00 | ........ UE Digitale Signalverarbeitung | 1,50 | ........ VL Digitale Signalverarbeitung | 3,00 | ........ UE Elektronik | 1,50 | ........ VL Elektronik | 3,00 | ........ PR Praktikum: Digitale Schaltungstechnik | 3,00 | ........ UE Rechnerarchitektur | 1,50 | ........ VL Rechnerarchitektur | 4,50 | Software | 31,50 | ........ UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 1 | 1,50 | ........ VL Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 1 | 3,00 | ........ UE Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2 | 1,50 | ........ VL Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen 2 | 3,00 | ........ PR Praktikum aus Softwareentwicklung 2 | 3,00 | ........ UE Software Engineering | 1,50 | ........ VL Software Engineering | 3,00 | ........ UE Softwareentwicklung 1 | 3,00 | ........ VL Softwareentwicklung 1 | 3,00 | ........ UE Softwareentwicklung 2 | 3,00 | ........ VL Softwareentwicklung 2 | 3,00 | ........ PR Systems Programming | 3,00 | Systeme | 24,00 | ........ VL Betriebssysteme | 3,00 | ........ UE Embedded and Pervasive Systems | 1,50 | ........ VL Embedded and Pervasive Systems | 3,00 | ........ UE Multimediasysteme | 1,50 | ........ VL Multimediasysteme | 3,00 | ........ UE Netzwerke und verteilte Systeme | 1,50 | ........ VL Netzwerke und verteilte Systeme | 3,00 | ........ PR Praktikum Betriebssysteme | 1,50 | ........ UE Übersetzerbau | 3,00 | ........ VL Übersetzerbau | 3,00 | Anwendungen | 22,50 | ........ UE Artificial Intelligence | 1,50 | ........ VL Artificial Intelligence | 3,00 | ........ UE Computer Graphics | 1,50 | ........ VL Computer Graphics | 3,00 | ........ UE Informationssysteme 1 | 3,00 | ........ VL Informationssysteme 1 | 3,00 | ........ UE Informationssysteme 2 | 1,50 | ........ VL Informationssysteme 2 | 3,00 | ........ VL Introduction to Machine Learning | 3,00 | Begleitende Inhalte | 15,00 | ........ Gender Studies | 3,00 | ................ KV Ethik und Gender Studies | 3,00 | ................ KV Gender Studies und soziale Kompetenz | 3,00 | ................ KV Gender Studies TNF - Einführung | 3,00 | ................ KS Einführung in IKT, Gesellschaft, Gender und Diversity | 3,00 | ........ KV Projektorganisation | 3,00 | ........ KV Präsentations- und Arbeitstechnik | 3,00 | ........ VL Rechtsgrundlagen für Informatiker | 3,00 | ........ VL Wirtschaftsgrundlagen für Informatiker | 3,00 | Vertiefung | 10,50 | ........ Allgemeine Vertiefung | 0,00-7,50 | ................ UE (*)Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques | 1,50 | ................ VL (*)Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques | 3,00 | ................ UE (*)Theoretical Concepts of Machine Learning | 1,50 | ................ VL (*)Theoretical Concepts of Machine Learning | 3,00 | ................ UE (*)Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetics | 3,00 | ................ VL (*)Sequence Analysis and Phylogenetics | 3,00 | ................ KV Advanced Compiler Construction | 3,00 | ................ KV Advanced Model Engineering | 3,00 | ................ KV Application Oriented Knowledge Processing | 3,00 | ................ KV Assistive Technologies and Accessibility | 3,00 | ................ VL Biometrische Identifikation | 3,00 | ................ KV Cloud Security | 3,00 | ................ UE Computer Algebra for Concrete Mathematics | 1,50 | ................ KV Conceptual Data Modeling | 3,00 | ................ KV Cooperative Information Systems | 3,00 | ................ KV Debugging | 3,00 | ................ KV Digitale Bildverarbeitung | 3,00 | ................ KV Emerging Computer Technologies | 4,50 | ................ KV Engineering of Software-intensive Systems | 3,00 | ................ PR Hardwareorientiertes Arbeiten an PCs | 3,00 | ................ VL Human/Computer Interaction | 3,00 | ................ VL Information Displays | 3,00 | ................ KV Information Visualization | 4,50 | ................ KV Mobile Computing | 3,00 | ................ KV Modeling and Computer Simulation | 3,00 | ................ KV Modeling Internet Applications | 3,00 | ................ UE Probabilistic Models | 1,50 | ................ KV Product Line Engineering | 3,00 | ................ KV SAT Solving | 3,00 | ................ KV Semantic Data Modeling and Applications | 3,00 | ................ KV Sicherheit in Applikationsprotokollen | 1,50 | ................ KV Statistik 2 | 3,00 | ................ KV VLSI Design | 3,00 | ................ KV Web Engineering | 3,00 | ................ KV Web Performance | 3,00 | ................ KV Web Search and Mining | 3,00 | ................ KV Wireless LANs | 1,50 | ................ UE Computational Geometry | 1,50 | ................ VL Computational Geometry | 3,00 | ................ UE Computer Algebra | 1,50 | ................ VL Computer Algebra | 3,00 | ................ VL Formal Semantics of Programming Languages | 3,00 | ................ VL Rewriting in Computer Science and Logic | 3,00 | ................ KV Web Security | 3,00 | ................ KV Web Usability | 1,50 | ........ Seminare | 0,00/3,00-10,50 | ................ SE Seminar in Computational Engineering | 3,00 | ................ SE Seminar in Intelligent Information Systems | 3,00 | ................ SE Seminar in Networks and Security | 3,00 | ................ SE Seminar in Pervasive Computing | 3,00 | ................ SE Seminar in Software Engineering | 3,00 | ........ Spezielle Kapitel | 0,00/3,00-10,50 | ................ KV Special Topics (1,5 ECTS) | 1,50 | ................ UE Special Topics (1,5 ECTS) | 1,50 | ................ VL Special Topics (1,5 ECTS) | 1,50 | ................ KV Special Topics (3 ECTS) | 3,00 | ................ UE Special Topics (3 ECTS) | 3,00 | ................ VL Special Topics (3 ECTS) | 3,00 | ................ KV Special Topics (4,5 ECTS) | 4,50 | ................ SE Special Topics | 3,00 | Bachelorarbeit | 7,50 | ........ PR Projektpraktikum | 7,50 | Freie Studienleistungen | 9,00 | |