
Bachelor's programme Mechatronics (K 033/281)

Overview ECTS Credits
Required subject143,25
........ Basics of Mathematics and Nature Sciences30,25
................ UE Mathematics 12,50
................ VL Mathematics 16,00
................ UE Mathematics 21,25
................ VL Mathematics 27,50
................ UE Mathematics 31,25
................ VL Mathematics 34,50
................ UE Physics1,25
................ VL Physics3,00
................ VL Materials of Mechatronics3,00
........ Mechanics26,75
................ UE Fundamentals of Thermofluiddynamics2,50
................ VL Fundamentals of Thermofluiddynamics4,50
................ UE Engineering Mechanics 12,50
................ VL Engineering Mechanics 14,50
................ UE Engineering Mechanics 22,50
................ VL Engineering Mechanics 24,50
................ UE Engineering Mechanics 31,25
................ VL Engineering Mechanics 34,50
........ Mechanical Engineering12,50
................ UE Introduction to Mechanical Engineering2,50
................ VL Introduction to Mechanical Engineering3,00
................ UE Machine Elements2,50
................ VL Machine Elements4,50
........ Electrical Engineering and Electronics38,25
................ UE Electrical Machines1,25
................ VL Electrical Machines3,00
................ UE Sensors and Instrumentation 11,25
................ VL Sensors and Instrumentation 13,00
................ UE Sensors and Instrumentation 21,25
................ VL Sensors and Instrumentation 23,00
................ PR Sensors and Instrumentation Lab3,00
................ UE Electrical Engineering 12,50
................ VL Electrical Engineering 13,00
................ UE Electrical Engineering 22,50
................ VL Electrical Engineering 23,00
................ PR Electrical Engineering Lab3,00
................ UE Electronic Circuits1,25
................ VL Electronic Circuits3,00
................ UE Introduction in Integrated Circuit Design1,25
................ VL Introduction in Integrated Circuit Design3,00
........ Systems and Automatic Control21,50
................ UE Automatic Control 11,25
................ VL Automatic Control 13,00
................ UE Automatic Control 21,25
................ VL Automatic Control 23,00
................ PR Practical Training in Automatic Control3,00
................ UE Signal and Systems 11,25
................ VL Signal and Systems 14,50
................ UE Signal and Systems 21,25
................ VL Signal and Systems 23,00
........ Computer Science12,50
................ UE Introduction to Programming2,50
................ VL Introduction to Programming1,50
................ UE Algorithms1,25
................ VL Algorithms3,00
................ UE Data Structures1,25
................ VL Data Structures3,00
........ Complementary Skills1,50
................ KV Gender Studies and Social Competence3,00
................ KV Gender Studies TNF - Introduction3,00
Elective subject (Specialisation)18,75
........ Electrical Engineering and Electronics (Specialisation)0,00/18,75
................ PR Applied Electrical Engineering Lab3,00
................ PR Electrical Machines Lab3,00
................ KV Design of Electric Drives and Actuators2,75
................ PR Electronic Circuits Lab3,00
................ KV Information Engineering2,75
................ UE Introduction in Digital System Design1,25
................ VL Introduction in Digital System Design3,00
........ Mechanical Engineering (Specialisation)0,00/18,75
................ PR Computer-Aided Design - CAD3,00
................ KV Manufacturing Technologies2,50
................ VL Construction materials3,00
................ UE Machine Dynamics1,25
................ VL Machine Dynamics3,00
................ PR Machine Elements Lab3,00
................ PR Product Development Project3,00
........ Mechanics (Specialisation)0,00/18,75
................ VL Computational Methods in Mechanics3,00
................ PR Computational Methods in Mechanics3,00
................ KV Fundamentals of Lightweight Design2,50
................ PR Practical Training Introduction to Robotics3,00
................ PR Lab Vibration Measurement Technology3,00
................ UE Theory of Vibrations1,25
................ VL Theory of Vibrations3,00
........ Systems and Automatic Control (Specialisation)0,00/18,75
................ PR Specialisation in Automatic Control3,00
................ PR Electrical Machines Lab3,00
................ KV Information Engineering2,75
................ KV Computer based Design of Control Systems4,50
................ PR Computer based Design of Control Systems3,00
................ UE Specialisation in Signal and Systems 22,50
Bachelor Thesis9,00
........ SE Bachelor Seminar9,00
Free electives9,00