Master's programme Biophysics (UK 066/470)
Overview |
ECTS Credits |
Fundamentals of Physics or Fundamentals of Molecular Biosciences | 12,00 | ........ Fundamentals of Molecular Biosciences for Technical Physics | 12,00 | ................ VL Molecular biology of the cell I | 3,00 | ................ VL Biological signalling I | 3,00 | ................ VL Characterization of Bionanostructures | 3,00 | ................ VL Biochemistry | 3,00 | ........ Fundamentals of Physics for Molecular Biosciences | 12,00 | ................ UE Exercises in biophysics II | 1,50 | ................ UE Exercises in biophysics I | 1,50 | ................ VL Fundamentals of Physics I (Mechanics, Thermodynamics) | 6,00 | ................ UE Mathematical Methods of Physics | 3,00 | Biophysics | 22,50 | ........ PR Practical course in biophysics II | 6,00 | ........ VL Biophysics III | 3,00 | ........ VL Biophysics II | 3,00 | ........ VL Biophysics IV | 3,00 | ........ VL Microsocopy on biomolecules | 3,00 | ........ UE Theoretical biophysics I | 1,50 | ........ VL Theoretical biophysics I | 3,00 | General Electives | 30,00 | ........ Experimental Biophysics | 9,00-27,00/0,00-18,00 | ................ UE Bioanalytics II | 1,50 | ................ VL Bioanalytics II | 3,00 | ................ UE Bioanalytics I | 1,50 | ................ VL Bioanalytics I | 3,00 | ................ PR Practical course in biophysics I | 4,50 | ................ PR Methods in biochemistry II | 3,00 | ................ VL Methods in biochemistry II | 1,50 | ................ PR Methods in biochemistry I | 3,00 | ................ VL Methods in biochemistry I | 1,50 | ................ PR Practical course in Microscopy on biomolecules | 3,00 | ................ PR Protein-expression and function | 4,50 | ................ PR Characterization of Bionanostructures | 3,00 | ........ General Physics and Applied Biophysics | 0,00-18,00/9,00-27,00 | ................ KV Biomimetics | 3,00 | ................ VL Medical technology 2 | 3,00 | ................ VL Medical technology | 3,00 | ................ VL Biological and Living Matter | 3,00 | ................ VL Medical physics and radiation physics | 3,00 | ................ SE Seminar in Biomolecular and Selforganizing Matter | 3,00 | ................ UE Fundamentals of Physics I (Mechanics, Thermodynamics) | 3,00 | ................ VL Theoretical Mechanics | 6,00 | ................ UE Theoretical Mechanics | 3,00 | ........ Molecular Biology | 0,00-18,00 | ................ VL Biological signalling II | 1,50 | ................ PR Molecular biology II | 4,50 | ................ VL Molecular biology II | 1,50 | ................ PR Molecular biology I | 3,00 | ................ VL Molecular biology I | 3,00 | ................ UE Molecular biology of the cell II | 1,50 | ................ VL Molecular biology of the cell II | 3,00 | ................ UE Molecular biology of the cell I | 1,50 | ................ PR Cell culture | 4,50 | ................ VL Cell culture | 1,50 | ................ VU Advanced Topics of Molecular Biotechnologies | 3,00 | ........ Theoretical Biophysics | 0,00-18,00 | ................ PR Modeling of biological macromolecules II | 3,00 | ................ PR Modeling of biological macromolecules I | 3,00 | ................ UE Theoretical biophysics II | 1,50 | ................ VL Theoretical biophysics II | 3,00 | ................ KV Topics in Genetics & Evolution | 3,00 | ................ UE Exercises in biophysics II | 1,50 | ................ UE Exercises in biophysics I | 1,50 | ................ VL Statistical Methods | 3,00 | ................ VL Introduction to Machine Learning | 3,00 | ................ KV Physical Chemistry of Polymers | 3,00 | ................ VU Genomic Data Analysis | 6,00 | ................ UE Statistical Physics I | 1,50 | ................ VL Statistical Physics I | 3,00 | ................ VL Mathematical Methods of Physics | 4,50 | ........ Seminars | 3,00-9,00 | ................ SE Selected Topics on Biophysics | 3,00 | ................ SE Literature seminar biophysics II | 3,00 | ................ SE Literature seminar biophysics I | 3,00 | ........ Gender Studies | 0,00-3,00 | ................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies | 3,00 | ................ KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN | 3,00 | Elective Courses related to the Master's Thesis | 13,50 | ........ Biophysics | 0,00/13,50 | ................ SE Biophysical colloqium | 1,50 | ................ SE Research seminar in biophysics | 3,00 | ................ PR Biophysics lab (experimental) | 9,00 | ........ Theoretical Biophysics | 0,00/13,50 | ................ SE Biophysical colloqium | 1,50 | ................ SE Research Seminar in Theoretical Physics | 3,00 | ................ PR Laboratory Course in Theoretical Physics | 9,00 | Free electives | 6,00 | |