Overview |
ECTS Credits |
Mathematics | 10,00 |
........ UE Geometrical Methods | 1,25 |
........ VL Geometrical Methods | 3,00 |
........ KV Numerical Analysis and Optimization | 5,75 |
Physics | 7,00 |
........ UE Physical Principles of Mechatronics | 2,50 |
........ VL Physical Principles of Mechatronics | 4,50 |
Computer Science | 3,00 |
........ PR Systems Programming | 3,00 |
Electives | 54,00 |
........ Electrical Drive Engineering | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Electrical Drive Engineering | 21,00 |
........................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
........................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Electrical Drive Engineering | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Electrical Drive Engineering | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
................................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
................................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Electric Drive Technology | |
................................ VL Selected Topics of Electrical Drive Technology | 3,00 |
................................ PR Lab for Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
................................ PR Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering Lab | 3,00 |
................................ UE Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering | 1,25 |
................................ VL Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering | 3,00 |
................................ VL Theory and Applications of Magnetic Bearing Technology | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Hydraulics | |
................................ PR Hydraulic Lab | 3,00 |
................................ KV Servohydraulics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Oil Hydraulics | 4,50 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Power Electronics | |
................................ VL Cooling of Electronical Elements | 1,50 |
................................ UE Power Electronics 1 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Power Electronics 1 | 3,00 |
................................ UE Power Electronics 2 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Power Electronics 2 | 3,00 |
................................ PR Power Electronics Lab | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Pneumatics | |
................................ KV Pneumatics | 3,00 |
................................ PR Pneumatics Lab | 3,00 |
................................ KV Simulation Methods in Fluid Power | 3,00 |
........................ PR Design of Hydraulic Systems | 3,00 |
........................ SE Design of Hydraulic Systems | 4,50 |
........................ KV Design Methodologies | 3,00 |
........ Automatic Control and Robotics | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Automatic Control and Robotics | 21,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Automatic Control and Robotics | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Automatic Control and Robotics | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Control Systems Technology | |
................................ KV Special Topics of Control Design | 3,00 |
................................ VL Control System Technology 1 | 3,00 |
................................ VL Control System Technology | 3,00 |
................................ PR Control System Technology Lab 1 | 3,00 |
................................ PR Control System Technology Lab 2 | 3,00 |
................................ SE Seminar Automatic Control | 3,00 |
................................ UE Process Control Instrumentation Technology | 1,25 |
................................ VL Process Control Instrumentation Technology | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Control Theory | |
................................ KV Special Topics of Control Theory | 3,00 |
................................ UE Modern Frequency Domain Methods in Control | 1,25 |
................................ VL Modern Frequency Domain Methods in Control | 3,00 |
................................ UE Optimal Control | 1,25 |
................................ VL Optimal Control | 3,00 |
................................ UE Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 1 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 1 | 3,00 |
................................ UE Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 2 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Control of nonlinear mechatronic systems 2 | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Robotics | |
................................ KV Special Examples in higher Kinetics | 1,50 |
................................ KV Special Topics in Robotics | 3,00 |
................................ PR Robotics Lab | 4,50 |
................................ SE Robotics Seminar | 3,00 |
................................ UE Robotics | 1,25 |
................................ VL Robotics | 3,00 |
................................ SE Seminar Walking Robots | 3,00 |
................................ UE Control of Robot Systems | 1,25 |
................................ VL Control of Robot Systems | 3,00 |
........ Biomedical mechatronics | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Biomedical mechatronics | 21,00 |
........................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
........................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Biomedical mechatronics | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Biomedical mechatronics | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
................................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
................................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Biomedical mechatronics | |
................................ KV Biomimetics | 4,50 |
................................ VL Medical technology 2 | 3,00 |
................................ VL Medical technology | 3,00 |
................................ VL Theoretical Modelling of Biological Systems | 3,00 |
................................ VL Cell biology and genetics | 3,00 |
........................ UE Machine Learning: Supervised Techniques | 1,50 |
........................ VL Machine Learning: Supervised Techniques | 3,00 |
........................ UE Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques | 1,50 |
........................ VL Machine Learning: Unsupervised Techniques | 3,00 |
........................ VL Bioanalytics II | 3,00 |
........................ VL Bioanalytics I | 3,00 |
........................ VL Biological signalling II | 1,50 |
........................ VL Biological signalling I | 3,00 |
........................ VL Methods in biochemistry I | 1,50 |
........................ VL High Precision Measurement Techniques | 3,00 |
........................ PR Digital Image Processing | 3,00 |
........................ UE Design of Lightweight Structures | 2,50 |
........................ VL Biological Control Loops Lab | 3,00 |
........................ VL Digital Image Processing | 3,00 |
........................ VL Introduction to Medical Law | 1,50 |
........................ SE Medical technology | 3,00 |
........................ VL Optical Sensors for Biomedical Applications | 3,00 |
........................ PR Practical training biomimetics | 3,00 |
........................ PR Practical training medical technology | 3,00 |
........................ VL Radiology: imaging methods and their applications | 1,50 |
........................ UE Theoretical Modelling of Biological Systems | 3,00 |
........................ VL Physics of Soft Matter | 3,00 |
........................ SE Seminar in physics of soft materials | 3,00 |
........................ VL Chemistry for Physicists I (Gen. and Inorg. Chem.) | 3,00 |
........................ VL Chemistry for Physicist II | 3,00 |
........ Mechatronic Design | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Mechatronic Design | 21,00 |
........................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
........................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Mechatronic Design | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Mechatronic Design | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
................................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
................................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Computer-Aided Manufacturing | |
................................ UE Selected Aspects and Applications of the Method of Finite Elements | 1,25 |
................................ VL Selected Aspects and Applications of the Method of Finite Elements | 3,00 |
................................ VL Special Topics in Manufacturing Technology | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Manufacturing - CAD-CAM | 4,50 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Mechanisms and Gear Trains and Design Theory | |
................................ KV Selected Chapters of Mechanisms and Gear Trains | 3,00 |
................................ PR Design of Hydraulic Systems | 3,00 |
................................ SE Design of Hydraulic Systems | 4,50 |
................................ KV Design Methodologies | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Design of Lightweight Structures | |
................................ UE Design of Lightweight Structures | 2,50 |
................................ UE Lightweight Design with Composite Materials | 1,50 |
................................ VL Lightweight Design with Composite Materials | 3,00 |
................................ VL Structural Health Monitoring | 3,00 |
................................ KV Structure Analysis with Finite Element Methods | 1,50 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Mechatronic Product Development | |
................................ VL Special Topics in Mechatronic Design | 3,00 |
................................ PR Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ VL Computer Aided Design - CAD | 3,00 |
................................ VL Introduction to Innovationmanagement and Marketing | 3,00 |
................................ SE Solution Finding Techniques | 3,00 |
................................ VL Realization of technical developments | 3,00 |
........................ PR Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering Lab | 3,00 |
........................ UE Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering | 1,25 |
........................ VL Electronic Circuits of Electrical Drive Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ PR Hydraulic Lab | 3,00 |
........................ KV Oil Hydraulics | 4,50 |
........ Sensors and Instrumentation | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Sensors and Instrumentation | 21,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Sensors and Instrumentation | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Sensors and Instrumentation | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
................................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Measurement Technology and Sensors | |
................................ VL High Precision Measurement Techniques | 3,00 |
................................ KV Selected Problems in Measurement Technology | 2,50 |
................................ KV Selected Problems in Sensor Technology | 2,50 |
................................ PR Optical Measurement Systems | 4,50 |
................................ VL Optical Measurement Systems | 3,00 |
................................ PR Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics | 3,00 |
................................ VL Sensors and Actuators in Mechatronics | 3,00 |
................................ VL Simulation Software Tools in Mechatronics | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Digital Signal und Image Processing | |
................................ PR Digital Image Processing | 3,00 |
................................ VL Digital Image Processing | 3,00 |
................................ PR Discrete Time Signal Processing | 4,50 |
................................ UE Discrete Time Signal Processing | 2,50 |
................................ SE Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
................................ UE Statistical Signal Processing | 2,50 |
................................ VL Statistical Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ UE Analogue Circuit Design | 1,25 |
........................ VL Analogue Circuit Design | 3,00 |
........................ PR Computer-assisted Analogue Circuit Desgin | 4,50 |
........................ UE Microsensors | 1,25 |
........................ VL Microsensors | 3,00 |
........................ VL Microwave Sensing | 3,00 |
........ Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology | 21,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
................................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Analog Electronics | |
................................ UE Analogue Circuit Design | 1,25 |
................................ VL Analogue Circuit Design | 3,00 |
................................ KV Special Topics in Microelectronics | 3,00 |
................................ PR Computer-assisted Analogue Circuit Desgin | 4,50 |
................................ UE Electronic Systems | 1,25 |
................................ VL Electronic Systems | 3,00 |
................................ VL Design of Integrated A/D-Converter | 3,00 |
................................ VL Integrated RF Circuit Design | 3,00 |
................................ PR Advanced Electronic Circuits Lab | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Digital Electronics | |
................................ UE Hardware Design | 1,50 |
................................ VL Hardware Design | 3,00 |
................................ VL Special Topics in Integrated Circuits | 3,00 |
................................ PR Circuit Design with HDL Lab (Hardware Description Language) | 4,50 |
................................ SE Seminar Integrated Circuits | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Electrodynamics | |
................................ KV Specialisation in electrical networks and electromagnetic fields | 3,00 |
................................ UE Advanced Electrodynamics and Network Theory | 1,25 |
................................ VL Advanced Electrodynamics and Network Theory | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Microsensors and Microsystems Technology | |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Microsystems Technology | 3,00 |
................................ UE Microsensors | 1,25 |
................................ VL Microsensors | 3,00 |
................................ PR Microelectronics and Microsystems Technology Lab | 3,00 |
................................ PR Mircosensors Laboratory | 3,00 |
................................ SE Seminar Microsystems Technology | 3,00 |
........................ UE Microwave Engineering 1 | 1,25 |
........................ VL Microwave Engineering 1 | 3,00 |
........................ UE Microwave Engineering 2 | 1,25 |
........................ VL Microwave Engineering 2 | 3,00 |
........................ VL Microwave Sensing | 3,00 |
........................ VL Optical Sensors for Biomedical Applications | 3,00 |
........................ PR Laboratory Course in RF-Measurements-Techniques | 3,00 |
........................ PR Microwave Lab | 3,00 |
........................ VL Nanofabrication II: Semiconductor Technology | 3,00 |
........ Communications- and RF-Engineering | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Communications- and RF-Engineering | 21,00 |
........................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Communications- and RF-Engineering | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Communications- and RF-Engineering | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
................................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: RF Engineering | |
................................ UE Microwave Engineering 1 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Microwave Engineering 1 | 3,00 |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Microwave Engineering | 3,00 |
................................ UE Microwave Engineering 2 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Microwave Engineering 2 | 3,00 |
................................ VL Integrated RF Circuit Design | 3,00 |
................................ VL Microwave Sensing | 3,00 |
................................ PR Digital Signal Processing for Communications and Radar Lab | 3,00 |
................................ PR Laboratory Course in RF-Measurements-Techniques | 3,00 |
................................ PR Microwave Lab | 3,00 |
................................ PR Radar Lab | 3,00 |
................................ UE Radar Signal Processing | 1,25 |
................................ VL Radar Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Communications Engineering | |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Communications Engineering | 4,50 |
................................ PR Signal Processing Architectures | 4,50 |
................................ VL Signal Processing Architectures | 3,00 |
................................ UE Digital Communication Systems | 1,25 |
................................ VL Digital Communication Systems | 3,00 |
................................ UE Optimum and Adaptive Signal Processing Systems | 1,50 |
................................ VL Optimum and Adaptive Signal Processing Systems | 3,00 |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
................................ UE Digital Signal Processing for Communications Engineering | 1,25 |
................................ VL Digital Signal Processing for Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
................................ PR Digital Communication Systems Lab | 3,00 |
................................ VL Mobile Communications | 3,00 |
................................ SE Communications Engineering, Seminar | 3,00 |
........ System Analysis and Optimization | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for System Analysis and Optimization | 21,00 |
........................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
........................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: System Analysis and Optimization | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for System Analysis and Optimization | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Automotive Control | |
................................ UE Selected chapters in dynamical systems | 1,25 |
................................ VL Selected chapters in dynamical systems | 3,00 |
................................ UE Fundamentals of Combustion Engines | 1,25 |
................................ VL Fundamentals of Combustion Engines | 3,00 |
................................ VL Control Systemes Design II | 3,00 |
................................ PR Combustion engine control | 3,00 |
................................ VL Combustion engine control | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Control Systems | |
................................ SE Advances in System Analysis and Control | 3,00 |
................................ VL Analysis and Control of vehicle drivelines | 3,00 |
................................ UE Special Topics of Control Systems Design | 1,25 |
................................ VL Special Topics of Control Systems Design | 3,00 |
................................ PR Biological Control Loops Lab | 1,50 |
................................ VL Biological Control Loops Lab | 3,00 |
................................ KV Control Systemes Design I | 4,25 |
................................ UE Energy systems control | 1,25 |
................................ VL Energy systems control | 3,00 |
................................ PR Adanced Lab in Adaptive and Predictive Control | 3,00 |
........................ PR Analysis and Control of vehicle drivelines lab | 3,00 |
........................ UE Mathematical Methods of System Analysis | 1,25 |
........................ VL Mathematical Methods of System Analysis | 3,00 |
........................ PR Control Systemes Design II | 3,00 |
........ Mechanics of Solids and Fluids | 39,00/0,00-15,00 |
................ Advanced basics in Mechatronics for Mechanics of Solids and Fluids | 21,00 |
........................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
........................ KV Electrical Networks and Electromagnetic Fields | 3,00 |
........................ KV Higher Kinetics - Multibody Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Advanced Machine Design | 3,00 |
........................ KV Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ KV Control Theory of Nonlinear Systems | 3,00 |
........................ KV Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................ Area of specialization: Mechanics of Solids and Fluids | 18,00/0,00-15,00 |
........................ Complementary basics in Mechatronics for Mechanics of Solids and Fluids | 0,00-18,00 |
................................ KV Adaptive and predictive Control | 3,00 |
................................ KV Biology for Engineers | 3,00 |
................................ KV Computer Aided Product Development | 3,00 |
................................ KV Discrete Time Signal Processing | 3,00 |
................................ KV Electrical Drives | 3,00 |
................................ KV Communications Engineering | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Computational Methods of Mechanics | |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Computational Methods in Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ PR Experimental and Numerical Methods in Mechanics | 4,50 |
................................ VL Experimental and Numerical Methods in Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ UE Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanics | 1,25 |
................................ VL Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Strengh of Materials | |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Strength of Materials | 3,00 |
................................ VL Advanced Strength of Materials | 3,00 |
................................ SE Modern Trends in Engineering Mechanics | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Numerical Methods in Thermo-Fluid Dynamics | |
................................ KV Introduction to particle simulation | 3,00 |
................................ PR Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics | 4,50 |
................................ VL Numerical Methods in Fluid Mechanics | 3,00 |
................................ SE Seminar in Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Sound and Vibrations | |
................................ KV Selected Topics in Theory of Vibrations | 3,00 |
................................ KV Vehicle Dynamics | 3,00 |
................................ UE Mechanics of Smart Structures | 1,25 |
................................ VL Mechanics of Smart Structures | 3,00 |
................................ KV Modelling of vibratory systems | 3,00 |
................................ UE Rotordynamics | 1,25 |
................................ VL Rotordynamics | 3,00 |
................................ SE Seminar Engineering Mechanics of Sloid Bodies | 3,00 |
........................ Subject for the master exam: Thermo-Fluid Dynamics | |
................................ KV Special Topics in Thermofluiddynamics | 3,00 |
................................ UE Fluid Dynamics 1 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Fluid Dynamics 1 | 3,00 |
................................ UE Fluid Dynamics 2 | 1,25 |
................................ VL Fluid Dynamics 2 | 3,00 |
................................ PR Thermofluiddynamics Laboratory | 4,50 |
........ Advanced principles of mathematics and nature sciences for machatronics | 0,00-15,00 |
................ Subject for the master exam: Advanced Mathmatics for Mechatronics | |
........................ KV Probability Theory and Stochastic processes | 3,00 |
........................ VL Statistical methods | 3,00 |
........................ VL Mathematical fundamentals of CAD | 3,00 |
........................ UE Mathematical methods in control theory | 1,25 |
........................ VL Mathematical methods in control theory | 3,00 |
................ UE Experimental Physics II | 1,25 |
................ VL Experimental Physics II | 3,00 |
................ PR Semiconductor physics laboratory | 3,00 |
................ VL Semiconductor and Solid State Physics | 4,50 |
................ UE Fuzzy control | 1,50 |
................ VL Fuzzy control | 3,00 |
................ UE Fuzzy logic | 1,50 |
................ VL Fuzzy logic | 3,00 |
................ UE Statistical methods | 1,50 |
................ UE Reliability theory | 1,50 |
................ VL Reliability theory | 3,00 |
................ VL Semiconductor devices | 3,00 |
................ VL Optoelectronic devices | 3,00 |
........ Gender Studies | 0,00-6,00 |
................ KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN | 3,00 |
................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies | 3,00 |
Master's Thesis Seminar | 3,00 |
........ SE Master's Thesis Seminar | 3,00 |
Free Electives | 16,00 |