Master's programme Master's programme Law and Business for Engineers (UK 066/901)
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Overview |
ECTS Credits |
Economic Subjects | 41,00 | ........ Business Economics | 18,00 | ................ IK Management and Marketing | 3,00 | ................ VL Management and Marketing | 3,00 | ................ VL (*)Grundlagen des Rechnungswesens und der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung | 4,00 | ................ KS Accounting | 2,00 | ................ KS Budgeting | 2,00 | ................ KS Financial Management (Principles) | 2,00 | ................ KS Financial Statement Analysis | 2,00 | ................ KS Cost Management | 2,00 | ................ KS Marketing - An Introduction | 2,00 | ................ KS Production and Logistic Management | 2,00 | ................ KS Strategy | 2,00 | ................ KS Company Taxation | 2,00 | ........ Economics | 14,00 | ................ KS Introduction to Economics | 3,00 | ................ KS Introductory Macroeconomics | 3,00 | ................ KS Introductory Microeconomics | 3,00 | ................ KS Managerial Economics | 3,00 | ........ Business Company Formation | 4,00 | ................ IK Innovation Lab | 4,00 | ........ Gender Studies and Diversity | 2,00 | ................ KO Gender studies und diversity | 2,00 | ................ VL (*)Compliance für Gender und Diversity I | 2,00 | ........ Management Accounting | 3,00 | ................ KS Operative and Strategic Cost Management | 3,00 | General Technology Law | 43,00 | ........ (*)Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik | 3,00 | ................ SE Preparation for the Master Thesis | 3,00 | ........ Public Law | 9,50 | ................ VL Public Law | 4,00 | ................ VL Tax-law basic | 4,00 | ................ VL (*)Wirtschaftsverwaltungsrecht für ReWiTech | 1,50 | ........ Civil Law | 8,00 | ................ VL fundamentals of company law and law of associations | 2,00 | ................ VL Law of Employment Relationship | 2,00 | ................ VU Privat Law | 4,00 | ........ Contract Arrangement | 2,50 | ................ AG Formation of Contracts | 2,00 | ................ VL formation of contracts | 0,50 | ........ Intellectual Property and Competition Law | 5,00 | ................ VL Intellectual Property II | 2,00 | ................ VL Intellectual Property I | 2,00 | ................ VL competition law | 1,00 | ........ Legal Issues of international Economic Relations | 3,00 | ................ VL Legal questions of international economic relations | 3,00 | ........ Standardisation and State of the Art | 2,00 | ................ VL Standardisation and technics | 2,00 | ........ Procurement and Subvention Law | 4,00 | ................ VL Subventions Law | 2,00 | ................ VL Public Procurement Law | 2,00 | ........ Expert Witness Law | 2,00 | ................ VL Law of appointed Experts | 2,00 | ........ Economic and Environmental Criminal Law | 4,00 | ................ VL Basics of Penal Law Concerning Business Offences | 4,00 | Offers in special Technology Law | 8,00 | ........ Plant and Infrastructure Law | 0,00/8,00 | ................ VL Corporate Environmental Liability Law | 2,00 | ................ VL Public right concerning plants | 4,00 | ................ VL Traffic and Energy Law | 2,00 | ........ Technical Savety and Product Liability Law | 0,00/8,00 | ................ VL Law converning quality assurance and Product Liability | 2,00 | ................ VL Technical security law | 6,00 | ........ Data and Communication Law | 0,00/8,00 | ................ VL Data protection | 2,00 | ................ VL E-Commerce | 2,00 | ................ VL E-Government | 2,00 | ................ VL Law converning telecommunication and broadcasting | 2,00 | ........ Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Law | 0,00/8,00 | ................ VL Neighbour Law and Liability Aspects of Bio- and Genetic- technics | 2,00 | ................ VL Law concerning Genetic- and Bio-technics in relation to Plants and Animals | 3,00 | ................ VL Law converning genetic- and bio- technics in relation to human beings | 3,00 | (*)Masterarbeit - Masterarbeitskolloquium | 16,00 | ........ Master Thesis Colloquium | 3,00 | Free Electives | 12,00 | |