
[ 572GSOZEWPK20 ] KS Introduction to Economic and Business Psychology

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year (*)Psychologie Eduard Brandstätter 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)keine
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Economics and Business 2024W
Objectives Building on social psychological foundations, the course provides basic knowledge of work, organizational, consumer, and economic psychology.
Subject Basic knowledge in social psychology (e.g., attitudes and attitude measurements; decision-making in groups); core topics of work and organizational psychology (e.g., job satisfaction, stress); introduction to consumer psychology (e.g., attention processes, design of advertising materials); fundamentals of economic psychology (e.g., rationality, decision-making under uncertainty).
Criteria for evaluation Written exam as well as in-class and at-home exercises.
Methods Lecture with discussion led by the course instructor, small group and pair exercises in class, supplemented by Moodle (e.g., evaluation by students). Research-led teaching.
Language German
Study material Kirchler, E. (2011). Wirtschaftspsychologie: Individuen, Gruppen, Märkte, Staat. Hogrefe Verlag.
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 200
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority