Detailinformationen |
Anmeldevoraussetzungen |
(*)KS Creating Strategic Advantages ODER KS International Business und IK International Market Entry und SE Cross Cultural Management
Quellcurriculum |
Masterstudium Management 2024W |
Ziele |
(*)This course aims to:
- Equip students with a sound understanding of the process of how to draft, execute and evaluate internationalisation strategies in different industry settings.
- Provide students with a thorough foundation and tools for analysis and understanding the core decisions that have to be made in global strategic management.
- Enable students to integrate theoretical concepts and models in global strategy with practical application to business situations.
- Challenge students to leave their comfort zone, gain self-confidence by peer feedback and familiarize them in dealing with unexpected situations.
- Foster the exchange of university students with various experts from the real business world, allowing them to grow their network, get acquainted with proven practices and learn about key skills needed in aligned job profiles.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:
- LO1: Discuss and evaluate economic, social, technological and ethical issues relating to global strategic management and digital transformation. [cognitive/analytical]
- LO2: Accurately identify and apply relevant theory within different sectors (technology and non-technology sectors) and contexts. [cognitive/analytical]
- LO3: Apply decision making skills related to global strategic management. [professional/practical skills]
- LO4: Demonstrate the ability to formulate and present a concise, insightful analysis of real-life business problems in the global strategy context by using digital tools. [transferable skills]
- LO5: Develop a growth mindset and critical thinking skills. [transferable skills/social skills]
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Indicative content in the context of strategic management in an international environment
- Job profile & skills set required for the position of a global strategic manager
- Drivers of globalization (trends / industries becoming global vs. local)
- Strategic advantages to build your strategy on (company-specific & firm-specific)
- Types of Internationalization strategies & how to implement them
- Market selection, establishing company-fit
- Type of market entry, risk vs. control
- Ethical aspects in going global, global value chain
- Cross-cultural management
- Differences in strategies depending on company type (e.g. born globals, …)
- Practical case studies, dealing with dilemmas, solving real-world problems
- Strategy execution & implementation
- Subsidiary management & motivation
- Global learning, learning from failures
- Global mindset, critical thinking, growth mindset
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)The assessment methods are designed to ensure that participants meet the agreed Learning Outcomes for the program.
- Written examination (Individual work)
- 60 points
- All materials provided (written or oral) are relevant for the examination
- Case studies (Group work)
- 30 points
- Case study 1: results will be presented & discussed in class
- Case study 2: will be handed-in in form of a video + written elaboration
- Seminar attendance & participation (Individual work)
- 10 points
- Students who do not attend 80% of the total class time will automatically receive a negative course grade
- Participation measured according to level of engagement in seminar exercises and questions posed during the seminar
- Plagiarism will strictly lead to negative grading of the affected individual
- There will be no multiple-choice questions in any assessment method
- Detailed feedback on personal performance can be inquired from the lecturer at the end of the seminar
Synchronization of learning outcomes and assessments
- LO1: Written examination, case studies (film discussions, case studies analysis, presentation & discussion), class attendance (discussion)
- LO2: Case studies (semiconductor sector, social enterprise in health sector)
- LO3: Case studies, Written examination
- LO4: Case studies, written examination
- LO5: Case studies, class attendance (discussion)
Lehrmethoden |
(*)The learning and teaching strategy is designed to develop knowledge and understanding in both theoretical and practical perspectives.
In addition to self-directed learning, the teaching and learning methods include a combination of seminars, use of case studies, seminar exercises and practical insights from industry experts.
- 3 hrs x 7 seminars
- 30 hrs assessment preparation / revision
- 87 hrs independent study
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)The relevant materials can be retrieved from Moodle and/or will be announced in class: A reading package containing all preparatory readings and the case studies.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Sonstige Informationen |
(*)For quality assurance and improvement purposes, please participate in all JKU course evaluations and surveys!
Frühere Varianten |
Decken ebenfalls die Anforderungen des Curriculums ab (von - bis) 973SIMDGSMS19: SE Global Strategic Management (2019W-2024S) 973SMCPGSMS16: SE Master Seminar Global Strategic Management (2016W-2019S) 2IMGTGSM: SE Master Seminar Global Strategic Management (2010W-2016S)