
[ 973GMCCCFIK22 ] KS Corporate Finance

Es ist eine neuere Version 2023W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Economic and Business Analytics 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
6 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Helmut Pernsteiner 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites keine (die Zulassung zum Studium vorausgesetzt)
Original study plan Master's programme Management 2022W
Objectives This course aims to:

  • Introducing the theory and practice of corporate finance as well as topics in corporate financial architecture (e.g., corporate governance and CSR issues).
  • Combining theory with practice in order to understand what corporate finance professionals should do to increase company value and shareholder wealth.
  • Providing students with a rigorous foundation and tools for analysis and understanding the core financial decisions (investing, financing, strategic deals) that have to be made in financial management.
  • Enabling students to integrate theoretical concepts and models in finance with practical application to business situations.

Learning outcomes:

On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to:

  • LO1: Discuss and evaluate social and ethical issues relating to financial management. [cognitive/analytical]
  • LO2: Accurately identify and apply relevant theory for both investment and financial decisions. [cognitive/analytical]
  • LO3: Apply decision making skills related to financial management and perform financial analysis, valuation of projects and corporations. [professional/practical skills]
  • LO4: Demonstrate the ability to formulate and present a concise, insightful financial analysis which exposes issues logically and coherently. [transferable skills]
  • LO5: Students will be able to create new M&A strategies and analyse potential target firms. [practical skills/intellectual skills]
  • LO6: Students will be able to make use of working capital management, prepare capital budgeting and compare companies with regard to their value management. [practical/problem solving skills]
Subject Indicative content in the context of corporate finance includes:

  • Locating what financial management is about, including an overview of the financial markets in which corporations operate.
  • Understanding key attributes of successful companies and how decisions within corporate finance can create and maximize (shareholder) value.
  • Locating the relationship between shareholder value and corporate social responsibility.
  • Identifying key corporate value drivers. Understanding and applying good corporate governance and value management practices.
  • Understanding financial statements and reports and applying financial analysis, e.g. dealing with financial ratios and the cash flow statement.
  • Risk, return and cost of capital, e.g. the Capital Asset Pricing Model and WACC.
  • Stock and corporate valuation: applying various valuation methods like market multiples analysis and discounted cash flow (DCF) method.
  • Understanding key financial and investment decisions, e.g. capital budgeting, working capital management and capital structure decisions.
  • Strategic financial decisions in a dynamic environment, e.g. within mergers and acquisitions.
Criteria for evaluation In total, you have the possibility to reach 80 points (60 for the exam and 20 for the group work).

A minimum of 30 points at the exam is necessary in order to obtain a positive grade.

  • Written Exam (individual exam) - 60 points – 75% (Exam and retry exam); open and closed questions
  • Case Study (group work) - 20 points – 25%
Methods The learning and teaching strategy is designed to develop knowledge and understanding in both theoretical and practical perspectives.

In addition to self-directed learning, the teaching and learning methods include formal lecture and tutorial, use of case studies and seminar exercises.

Study material Brigham and Ehrhardt, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, 16th edition, Cengage Learning (ISBN: 978-1-337-90260-1).

  • Power Point Slides
  • Articles from journals (e.g. WSJ)
  • Podcasts

(Relevant materials can be retrieved from Moodle and/or will be announced in class.)

Changing subject? No
Further information none
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
973GMCPCFIK19: KS Corporate Finance (2019W-2022S)
973GMCPCFIK10: KS Master Course Corporate Finance (2010W-2019S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 200
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority