
[ 986CABUCB3K19 ] KS CB3: Understanding entrepreneurship

Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Leadership and Innovation in Organizations 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Matthias Fink 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites KS BC1: Induction-team development UND KS BC2: Foundations of management UND KS BC3: Foundational readings and academic writing
Original study plan Master's programme Leading Innovative Organizations 2019W
Objectives The principal objective of this course is to make students aware of the corner stones in entrepreneurship from a psychological, sociological and economic perspective. They understand the formation of entrepreneurial intentions and their translation into entrepreneurial actions. Entrepreneurship is embraced as proactive, innovative behavior within established organizations or start-ups that relies on clever risk and that is socially situated. Students understand key concept such as opportunity, exploration and exploitation and scaling.
Subject This module offers a behavioral perspective on new business venturing. It covers the key elements of developing and implementing a new venturing initiatives within an established firm or as a new start-up. It focuses on the key elements

  • People (e.g. entrepreneur, founder team, stakeholders)
  • Finance (e.g. Business Angels, Venture Capital, Support Schemes)
  • Opportunity (e.g. exploration/exploitation, creation/recognition, awareness)
  • Processes and decisions (e.g. business model)
  • Contingencies (e.g. enabling and restricting forces)
Criteria for evaluation Attendance & Participation (20%); Pre-Readings (20%); Post-Module Assignment (60%)
Methods Practical work, lectures, Q&A, discussion questions
Language English
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 40
Assignment procedure Direct assignment