Es ist eine neuere Version 2022W dieser LV im Curriculum Bachelor's programme Bachelor's programme Business Law 2023W 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Education level
Study areas
Responsible person
Hours per week
Coordinating university
B2 - Bachelor's programme 2. year
Business Administration
Helmut Pernsteiner
2 hpw
Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
(*)9 ECTS aus den Lehrveranstaltungen:
KS Finanzmanagement kompakt,
KS Steuern,
KS Bilanzierung nach UGB,
KS Grundlagen des Kostenmanagements und der Budgetierung
Students will be able to recognize interrelationships from the financial sphere of the company and apply basic knowledge from the subject areas of financial management, tax management, external or internal corporate accounting in an integrative and practice-oriented manner using company examples.
Alternating integrative and practice-oriented teaching content or case studies from the financial sphere of the company. Special emphasis is placed on current issues.
Criteria for evaluation
Written exam, interactive elements
Lecture, elaboration and discussion of case studies, literature study.