Übersicht |
ECTS Credits |
(*)Polymeric Materials and Testing | 17,00 |
........ PR (*)Characterization and Testing of Polymeric Materials 2 | 4,00 |
........ VL (*)Industrial Chemistry for Plastic Engineering | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Structure Development in Polymeric Materials | 3,00 |
........ VL (*)Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Polymeric Materials 3: Polymer Mechanics and Fracture Mechanics | 3,00 |
........ SE (*)Polymeric Materials 4: Functional Polymeric Materials | 1,00 |
........ VL (*)Polymeric Materials 4: Functional Polymeric Materials | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Chemical Interactions in Polymers | 1,50 |
(*)Polymer Product Engineering | 16,50 |
........ KV (*)Design of Lightweight Structures | 3,00 |
........ UE (*)Lightweight Design with Composite Materials | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Lightweight Design with Composite Materials | 3,00 |
........ KV (*)Mechanical Material Models for Polymers | 3,00 |
........ UE (*)Polymer Product Design and Engineering 4: Integrated Injection Moulding, Micromechanics and Structure Simulation | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Polymer Product Design and Engineering 4: Integrated Injection Moulding, Micromechanics and Structure Simulation | 3,00 |
........ UE (*)Structural Durability Calculations | 1,50 |
(*)Polymer Processing | 17,50 |
........ UE (*)Polymer Extrusion and Compounding 1: Process Technologies | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Polymer Extrusion and Compounding 1: Process Technologies | 3,00 |
........ UE (*)Polymer Extrusion and Compounding 2: Modelling Screw Extrusion | 1,50 |
........ VL (*)Polymer Extrusion and Compounding 2: Modelling Screw Extrusion | 3,00 |
........ VL (*)Polymer Injection Moulding 1: Machine Engineering | 3,00 |
........ KV (*)Polymer Injection Moulding 2: Process Technologies | 3,00 |
........ PR (*)Polymer Processing | 2,50 |
(*)Elective Track | 30,00 |
........ (*)Chemistry and Chemical Technology | 8,00 |
................ VL (*)Chemistry and Technology of Silicone Elastomers | 3,00 |
................ KV (*)Experimental methods in Rheology | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)High Resolution Microscopy II - Scanning Probe Techniques | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)High Resolution Microscopy I - Optical and Electron Microscopy Techniques | 1,50 |
................ UE Nanofiltration | 1,50 |
................ VL Nanofiltration | 1,50 |
................ PR (*)Advanced Polymer Synthesis Lab Course | 5,00 |
................ VL (*)Functional Polymers | 1,50 |
................ PR (*)Laboratory Course of Polymer Chemistry 1 | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Polymers | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Polymer Chemistry 2 | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Polymerization Techniques | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Polyolefins | 1,50 |
................ PR (*)Laboratory Course of Polymer Chemistry 2 | 2,00 |
................ VL (*)Synthesis and Characterisation of Polymer Products | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Synthetic Polymers for Biology and Medicine | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Technical Biopolymers | 1,50 |
................ UE (*)Exercises in Polymer Chemistry 2 | 1,50 |
................ UE (*)Exercises in Polymerization Techniques | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Organic Technology | 6,00 |
................ VL (*)Advanced Organic Technology 1 | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Advanced Organic Technology 2 | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Mineralogy and Geochemistry | 3,00 |
........ (*)Physics of Materials and Materials Science | 8,00 |
................ VL (*)Structure and Properties of Biological Materials 1 | 1,50 |
................ VL Halbleiter- und Festkörperphysik | 3,00 |
................ VL Polymerwerkstoffe 2: Additive für Polymerwerkstoffe | 2,50 |
................ VL (*)Organic semiconducting polymers | 3,00 |
................ SE (*)Scientific Tutorial in Polymeric Materials and Testing | 4,50 |
................ SE (*)Seminar in Polymeric Materials and Testing | 3,00 |
................ UE (*)Company Visits: Polymer Industry | 1,00 |
................ VL (*)Bionics - biomimetic Materials and Polymers | 1,50 |
................ VL Einführung in die Laserbearbeitung | 3,00 |
................ VL Physics of Soft Matter | 3,00 |
................ VL Advanced Microscopy | 3,00 |
................ VL Ausgewählte Kapitel aus Physik der weichen Materie | 3,00 |
................ VL Metallphysik | 3,00 |
................ VL Physik der kondensierten Materie | 3,00 |
................ SE Seminar aus Angewandter Physik | 3,00 |
................ PR Spezialpraktikum aus Physik der weichen Materie | 9,00 |
........ (*)Process Technologies and Modelling | 8,00 |
................ KV (*)Optimization Methods in Polymer Processing | 3,00 |
................ UE (*)Polymer Injection Moulding 1: Machine Engineering | 1,50 |
................ SE (*)Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Extrusion and Compounding | 4,50 |
................ SE (*)Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Injection Moulding | 4,50 |
................ SE (*)Selected Topics in Polymer Processing | 2,00 |
................ SE (*)Seminar in Polymer Injection Moulding | 3,00 |
................ SE (*)Seminar in Polymer Extrusion and Compounding | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Tensorial Rheology | 3,00 |
................ UE (*)Exercises in Transport Processes | 1,50 |
................ UE (*)Company Visits: Polymer Industry | 1,00 |
................ VL (*)Packaging | 2,50 |
................ PR (*)Polymer Product and Process Development Project | 4,00 |
................ VL (*)Polymer Product and Process Development | 3,00 |
................ VL Statistische Methoden | 3,00 |
................ KV Ausgewählte Kapitel der Computergestützten Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Transport Phenomena in Process Technology | 3,00 |
................ UE Statistische Methoden | 1,50 |
........ (*)Process Automation and Control | 8,00 |
................ KV (*)Applied Measurement and Control in Polymer Processing | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Polymer Product and Process Development | 3,00 |
................ UE Automatisierungstechnik 1 | 1,25 |
................ VL Automatisierungstechnik 1 | 3,00 |
................ UE Elektrische Messtechnik und Sensorik 1 | 1,25 |
................ VL Elektrische Messtechnik und Sensorik 1 | 3,00 |
................ UE Elektrische Messtechnik und Sensorik 2 | 1,25 |
................ VL Elektrische Messtechnik und Sensorik 2 | 3,00 |
................ KV Entwurf elektrischer Antriebe und Aktuatoren | 2,75 |
................ KV Rechnerbasierter Entwurf von Regelkreisen | 4,50 |
................ KV Pneumatik | 3,00 |
................ KV Ölhydraulik | 4,50 |
........ (*)Computational Engineering Sciences | 8,00 |
................ VL Numerische Methoden der Kontinuumsmechanik 1 | 3,00 |
................ VL Software Engineering | 3,00 |
................ KV Computer Vision | 4,50 |
................ VL (*)Homogenization - An Introduction to Homogenizing Linear Periodic PDEs | 3,00 |
................ VL Computergestützte Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ PR Computergestützte Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ UE Ausgewählte Aspekte und Anwendungen der Methode der Finiten Elemente | 1,25 |
................ VL Ausgewählte Aspekte und Anwendungen der Methode der Finiten Elemente | 3,00 |
................ KV Ausgewählte Kapitel der Computergestützten Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ KV Ausgewählte Kapitel der Thermofluiddynamik | 3,00 |
................ UE Höhere Computergestützte Methoden der Mechanik | 1,25 |
................ VL Höhere Computergestützte Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ KV Numerik und Optimierung | 5,75 |
................ PR Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik | 4,50 |
................ VL Numerische Methoden in der Strömungsmechanik | 3,00 |
................ KV Thermofluiddynamik | 3,00 |
................ PS Mathematische Modelle in der Technik | 3,00 |
................ VL Mathematische Modelle in der Technik | 3,00 |
........ (*)Applied Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering | 8,00 |
................ VL Mathematische Methoden der Kontinuumsmechanik | 6,00 |
................ UE (*)Design of Lightweight Structures | 2,50 |
................ KV (*)Engineering with Soft Materials | 3,00 |
................ PR (*)Experimental Solid Mechanics for Polymeric Components | 2,50 |
................ SE (*)Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Product Engineering | 4,50 |
................ SE (*)Seminar in Polymer Product Engineering | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Structural Durability and Damage Tolerance | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Structural Health Monitoring | 3,00 |
................ KV (*)Structural Integrity Assessment of Polymer Structures | 3,00 |
................ KV (*)Tribology of Polymeric Materials | 3,00 |
................ UE (*)Company Visits: Polymer Industry | 1,00 |
................ KV Ausgewählte Kapitel der Computergestützten Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ VL Computerunterstütztes Konstruieren - CAD | 3,00 |
................ PR Experimentelle und numerische Methoden der Mechanik | 4,50 |
................ VL Experimentelle und numerische Methoden der Mechanik | 3,00 |
................ VL Höhere Festigkeitslehre | 3,00 |
................ KV Servohydraulik | 3,00 |
................ KV Strukturanalyse mit Finite Elemente Methoden | 1,50 |
................ KV Thermofluiddynamik | 3,00 |
................ VL Computer-aided geometric design | 3,00 |
................ UE Mathematische Methoden der Kontinuumsmechanik | 3,00 |
........ (*)Management and Business Administration | 8,00 |
................ IK (*)Cross Cultural Management for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)Environmental, Resource and Quality Management for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)Financial Accounting and Sustainability Accounting | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Financial Accounting and Sustainability Accounting | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)International Finance for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)International Marketing for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)Management and Marketing | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Management and Marketing | 3,00 |
................ IK (*)Managerial Accounting for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Patent Law and Intellectual Property | 3,00 |
................ SE (*)Global Management and Strategy | 3,00 |
........ (*)Polymer Industry and Sustainable Development | 8,00 |
................ VL (*)Structure and Properties of Biological Materials 1 | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Organic semiconducting polymers | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Photovoltaics | 3,00 |
................ SE (*)Scientific Tutorial in Polymeric Materials and Testing | 4,50 |
................ SE (*)Seminar in Polymeric Materials and Testing | 3,00 |
................ UE (*)Company Visits: Polymer Industry | 1,00 |
................ IK (*)Environmental, Resource and Quality Management for Engineers | 3,00 |
................ KV (*)Polymeric Materials 5 - Polymeric Mat. & Sust. Developm. | 3,00 |
................ VL (*)Bionics - biomimetic Materials and Polymers | 1,50 |
................ VL (*)Technical Biopolymers | 1,50 |
................ SE (*)Global Management and Strategy | 3,00 |
........ (*)Soft Skills | 0,00-3,00 |
................ KS Spezialthemen der Philosophie | 3,00 |
................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies | 3,00 |
................ KV (*)Gender Studies Managing Equality TN | 3,00 |
(*)Master's Thesis Seminar | 1,00 |
........ SE (*)Master's Thesis Seminar PTS | 1,00 |
(*)Free Electives | 12,00 |