
Bachelor's programme Business Law (K 033/500)

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Overview ECTS Credits
Foundations of Law88,00
........ (*)Öffentliches Recht25,50
................ Public Law I13,00
........................ AG (*)Öffentliches Recht I3,00
........................ UE (*)Öffentliches Recht I3,00
........................ VL (*)Öffentliches Recht I2,50
................ (*)Öffentliches Recht II12,50
........................ VU European and Austrian Economics Constitutional Law4,50
........................ VU European and Austrian Economics Administrative Law6,00
........................ VU Case studies Public Law2,00
........ (*)Privatrecht25,50
................ Civil Law I13,00
........................ AG (*)Falllösung Privatrecht I3,00
........................ UE (*)Privatrecht I3,00
........................ VL (*)Privatrecht I2,50
........................ KO (*)Repetitorium Privatrecht I0,00
................ (*)Privatrecht II12,50
........................ VL (*)Sachenrecht1,50
........................ VL (*)Schuldrecht Allgemeiner Teil1,50
........................ VU Fundamentals of Private Law2,00
........................ UE General Business Law4,00
........................ VL (*)Schuldrecht/Gesetzliche Schuldverhältnisse, Teil Schadenersatzrecht1,00
........................ AG (*)Vertragsgestaltung2,00
........................ VL formation of contracts0,50
........ (*)Europarecht5,00
................ VL (*)Europarecht1,50
........ Penal Law Concerning Business4,00
................ VL Penal Law Concerning Business4,00
........ Labour Law and Law of Social Security9,00
................ VL (*)Grundzüge des Sozialrechts1,00
................ VL (*)Individualarbeitsrecht1,50
................ VL (*)Kollektives Arbeitsrecht1,00
........ Taw Law4,00
................ VL Tax law4,00
........ (*)Unternehmensrecht9,00
................ VL (*)Allgemeines Handelsrecht1,00
................ VL (*)Gesellschaftsrecht2,00
................ VL (*)Wertpapierrecht0,50
........ (*)Legal English4,00
................ VL (*)Selected Topics: Common Law Legal Order/US Bankruptcy Law1,50
................ KS (*)Legal English2,50
........ Legal Gender Studies2,00
................ VL Introduction to Legal Gender Studies2,00
Foundations of Economy41,00
........ Introduction to Business Administration6,00
................ KS Introduction to Business Administration2,00
................ KS Accounting (Basics)2,00
................ KS Cost Accounting2,00
........ Introduction to Economics3,00
................ KS Introduction to Economics3,00
........ (*)Betriebswirtschaftslehre24,00
................ KS Accounting2,00
................ KS Budgeting2,00
................ KS Financial Management (Principles)2,00
................ KS Financial Statement Analysis2,00
................ KS Cost Management2,00
................ KS Marketing - An Introduction2,00
................ KS Managing People and Organizations4,00
................ KS Production and Logistic Management2,00
................ KS Strategy2,00
................ KS Company Taxation2,00
................ IK Managing People and Organizations2,00
........ (*)Volkswirtschaftslehre8,00
................ KS Law and Economics4,00
................ KS Markets and Economic Decision Making4,00
(*)Vertiefung Unternehmensjuristin / Unternehmensjurist42,00
........ (*)Unternehmensjuristische Lehrveranstaltungen24,00
................ Labour Law3,00
........................ AG (*)Gestaltung kollektiver Normen1,50
........................ AG (*)Gestaltung von Arbeitsverträgen1,50
........................ KO Individual Labour Law, special topics1,50
........................ KO (*)Schwerpunkt Kollektives Arbeitsrecht1,50
........................ KO (*)Sozialversicherungsrecht - Schwerpunkt Beitragsrecht1,50
................ VL (*)Betriebliches Umwelthaftungsrecht1,50
................ VL (*)European Tax Law1,50
................ AG (*)Gestaltung von Gesellschaftsverträgen1,50
................ VL (*)Immaterialgüterrecht1,50
................ VL (*)Kartellrecht und unlauterer Wettbewerb1,50
................ VL (*)Korruption, Korruptionsprävention und -bekämpfung1,50
................ VL Law of cottateral security1,50
................ VL (*)Vertiefung Gesellschaftsrecht, Umgründungen und Kapitalmarktrecht3,00
................ VL (*)Wirtschaftsbereiche6,00
................ UE E-Commerce1,00
................ VL E-Commerce2,00
................ VL Public E-Commerce Law1,50
................ PS (*)Bachelor-PS1,00
................ VL Environmental Law relating to an Enterprise1,00
................ VL Internal Market Law0,50
................ VL Sole Proprietorship Business0,25
................ VL European Law concerning Consumer Protection1,50
................ VL European Competition Law1,50
................ VL Interdisciplinary Right Concerning Plants2,00
................ KS International Accounting (IAS/IFRS)2,00
................ VL Legal Gender Studies: Law of Affirmative Action1,00
................ VL Public Right Concerning Plants3,00
................ VL Regulations Law1,50
................ VL Subventions Law1,50
................ VL Business Insolvency4,00
................ VL Purchase of a Business1,50
................ VL Public Procurement Law1,50
................ PS (*)Wissenschaftliche Arbeitstechnik1,50
........ (*)Betriebswirtschaftliche Schwerpunktfächer18,00
................ Managerial Finance18,00
........................ KS Corporate Finance4,00
........................ KS Euro Financial Markets4,00
........................ KS Financial Theory/Securities4,00
........................ IK Principles in Finance (Cases)3,00
........................ SE Seminar in Finance3,00
................ Doing Business on the Internet18,00
........................ KS Business and Internet - Introduction3,00
........................ IK Electronic Business Planning4,00
........................ KS New Economy4,00
........................ IK Business and Internet: Projects / Case Studies 13,00
........................ SE Seminar 1: Business and Internet4,00
................ International Management18,00
........................ KS International Business3,00
........................ IK International Market Entry3,00
........................ SE Current Issues in International Management3,00
........................ SE Cross Cultural Management3,00
........................ IK Special Topics in International Management3,00
................ Tax Management18,00
........................ KS (*)Verfahrensrecht2,00
........................ KS Purchase Tax and Transfer Tax3,00
........................ KS Income Tax and Corporate Tax I3,00
........................ IK Determination of Taxable Income4,00
........................ SE Seminar on Business Taxation3,00
................ Marketing and International Marketing18,00
........................ KS Applied Marketing Research3,00
........................ KS Strategic Marketing-Management3,00
........................ IK Applied Marketing Research4,00
........................ IK Strategic and Operational Marketingmanagement3,00
........................ SE Seminar Integrative Marketing - Theory and Practice3,00
................ Controlling and Management Accounting18,00
........................ KS Controlling and Management Accounting (Elementary Level)3,00
........................ KS Operative and Strategic Cost Management3,00
........................ IK Controlling and Management Accounting (Advanced Level)4,00
........................ SE Theory Seminar on Controlling and Management Accounting3,00
........................ IK EDP-Supported Managerial Accounting3,00
................ Controlling18,00
........................ KS Controlling and Management Accounting (Elementary Level)3,00
........................ IK Strategic Management Accounting and Risk Management3,00
........................ SE Theory Seminar on Controlling and Management Accounting3,00
........................ KS Cost Management3,00
........................ IK EDP-Supported Managerial Accounting3,00
................ Organization & Innovation18,00
........................ SE competences of organisational analysis3,00
........................ SE Quantitative Organizational Change Methods3,00
........................ SE Seminar in Innovation and Management3,00
........................ IK Individual and Group Behavior in Organizations4,00
........................ KS Organization Design and Innovation4,00
........................ SE Seminar in Organization and Management3,00
........................ SE Management Skills3,00
................ Management Accounting18,00
........................ KS Introduction into Management Accounting3,00
........................ IK Management Control Systems3,00
........................ IK Specific Aspects of Management Accounting3,00
........................ SE Research Seminar in Management Accounting3,00
........................ KS Operative and Strategic Cost Management3,00
................ Human Resource & Change Management18,00
........................ KS Human Resource, Change Management & Leadership3,00
........................ IK Learning & Knowledge3,00
........................ IK Social Learning & Change2,00
........................ IK Administrative HRM4,00
........................ IK Strategic HRM4,00
........................ SE Research Seminar HR&CM4,00
................ Public and Nonprofit Management18,00
........................ KS Public and Nonprofit Management (PNP 1)8,00
........................ KS Financial and Performance Management (PNP 2)4,00
........................ SE Seminar Public and Nonprofit Management 1 (PNP 3)3,00
........................ SE Seminar Public and Nonprofit Management 2 (PNP 4)3,00
................ Production and Logistics Management18,00
........................ KS Production3,00
........................ KS Logistics and Supply Chain Management3,00
........................ IK Advanced Production2,00
........................ IK Advanced Logistics and Supply Chain Management2,00
........................ IK Selected Topics in Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management3,00
........................ SE Decision Support in Production, Logistics and Supply Chain Management3,00
................ Strategic Management18,00
........................ KS Strategic Management: Introduction3,00
........................ IK Strategic Management: Advanced Course3,00
........................ IK Strategic Management: Company Analysis3,00
........................ IK Strategic Management: Industry Analysis3,00
........................ SE Strategic Management: Integration3,00
................ Environmental Resource and Quality Management18,00
........................ KS Key Questions of Environmental Management4,00
........................ KS Integrated Environmental Management4,00
........................ KS Environmental Management in Specific Fields of Activity4,00
........................ KS Integrated Quality Management4,00
........................ KS Environmental System Management4,00
........................ IK Environmental and Quality Management3,00
........................ IK Environmental and Ressource Management3,00
........................ SE Environmental and Quality Management3,00
........................ SE Environmental and Ressource Management3,00
................ Accounting and Auditing18,00
........................ KS Foundations of IFRS and Consolidated Accounting4,00
........................ KS Auditing3,00
........................ IK Case Studies in Consolidated Accounting3,00
........................ IK Case Studies in IFRS3,00
........................ SE First Seminar in Accounting3,00
................ Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development18,00
........................ KS Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development 14,00
........................ KS Entrepreneurship and Organizational Development 24,00
........................ IK Intensivation Course 1 of Business Start Up3,00
........................ IK Intensivation Course 2 of Business Start Up1,50
........................ IK Intensivation Course 3 of Business Start Up1,50
........................ SE Seminar 1 of Business Start Up4,00
(*)Vertiefung Steuerjuristin / Steuerjurist42,00
........ (*)Steuerjuristische Fächer18,00
................ Business Taxation3,00
........................ VL (*)Bilanzsteuerrecht1,50
........................ VL (*)European Tax Law1,50
........................ VL (*)Konzernsteuerrecht1,50
........................ VL (*)Praxis der Unternehmensbesteuerung1,50
........................ VL (*)Besteuerung der Rechtsformen2,00
................ KS Financial criminal law1,00
................ KS Gender Studies and tax law1,00
................ KS Social insurance1,00
................ PS Purchase tax and transfer tax1,00
................ VL Choice of business systems4,00
................ KS International and EU-Tax Law3,00
........ (*)Schwerpunktfach Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre18,00
................ KS (*)Verfahrensrecht2,00
................ KS Purchase Tax and Transfer Tax3,00
................ KS Income Tax and Corporate Tax I3,00
................ IK Determination of Taxable Income4,00
................ SE Seminar on Business Taxation3,00
........ Quelltext: Interdisziplinäre cross sections6,00
................ IK Interdiszplinäre cross sections II3,00
................ VL Interdiszplinäre cross sections I3,00
Free Electives9,00