
Master's programme Sustainability and Plastics Management (SPM) (UK 066/480)

Overview ECTS Credits
Basics in Polymer Technologies (Bridge Subject)0,00/17,50
........ VL Characterization and Testing of Polymeric Materials 11,50
........ IK Circular Economy Fundamentals3,00
........ VL Introduction to Recycling of Plastics2,50
........ VL Polymeric Materials 13,00
........ VL Technologies of Polymer Processing 1: Introduction2,50
........ UE Basic Engineering Calculations2,00
........ PR Characterization and Testing of Polymers 1 - MPT3,50
........ VL Polymer Chemistry and Chemical Process Technologies2,50
Advanced Polymer Technologies24,50
........ VL Industrial Chemistry for Plastic Engineering1,50
........ VL Polymeric Materials 3: Polymer Mechanics and Fracture Mechanics3,00
........ SE Polymeric Materials 4: Functional Polymeric Materials1,00
........ VL Polymeric Materials 4: Functional Polymeric Materials1,50
........ PR Characterization and Testing of Plastics 1b1,50
........ UE Company Visits: Polymer Industry1,50
........ KV Polymeric Materials 5 - Polymeric Mat. & Sust. Developm.3,00
........ PR Polymer Processing for Sustainability and Plastics Management3,00
........ VL Polymer Processing Technologies3,00
........ VL Polymer Product and Process Development3,00
........ UE Polymer Product Design and Engineering III1,00
........ VL Polymer Product Design and Engineering III1,50
Management Basics12,00
........ IK Financial Accounting and Sustainability Accounting3,00
........ VL Financial Accounting and Sustainability Accounting3,00
........ IK Management and Marketing3,00
........ VL Management and Marketing3,00
Management Advanced15,00
........ IK Cross Cultural Management for Engineers3,00
........ VL Environmental, Resource and Quality Management for Engineers3,00
........ IK International Finance for Engineers3,00
........ IK International Marketing for Engineers3,00
........ IK Managerial Accounting for Engineers3,00
Advanced Electives in Sustainability and Plastics Management29,00/11,50
........ Polymer Engineering and Science3,00-29,00/3,00-11,50
................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Polymer Chemistry
........................ VL Polymer Chemistry 23,00
........................ VL Polymerization Techniques3,00
........................ VL Polyolefins1,50
........................ VL Introduction to Organic Chemistry3,00
........................ VL Organic Chemistry 14,50
................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Polymeric Materials and Testing
........................ VL Polymeric Materials 2: Polymer additives2,50
................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Polymer Processing
................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Polymer Product Engineering & Design
........................ KV Design of Lightweight Structures3,00
........................ KV Mechanical Material Models for Polymers3,00
........................ PR Polymer Product and Process Development Project4,00
................ VL Structure and Properties of Biological Materials 11,50
................ VL Circularity of plastic products3,00
................ KV Rheology of Polymers3,00
................ KV Applied Measurement and Control in Polymer Processing1,50
................ UE Design of Lightweight Structures3,00
................ KV Engineering with Soft Materials3,00
................ VL High Resolution Microscopy II - Scanning Probe Techniques1,50
................ VL Photovoltaics3,00
................ VL Physical Chemistry of Surfaces and Interfaces1,50
................ VL Plastics Recycling - From Waste Management and Processing to Performance3,00
................ VL Polymer Extrusion and Compounding 2: Modelling Screw Extrusion3,00
................ UE Polymer Injection Moulding 1: Machine Engineering1,50
................ KV Polymer Injection Moulding 2: Process Technologies3,00
................ SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymeric Materials and Testing4,50
................ SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Extrusion and Compounding4,50
................ SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Injection Moulding4,50
................ SE Scientific Tutorial in Polymer Product Engineering4,50
................ SE Seminar in Polymeric Materials and Testing3,00
................ SE Seminar in Polymer Product Engineering3,00
................ KV Smart Production Management3,00
................ VL Chemical Interactions in Polymers1,50
................ PR Laboratory Course of Polymer Chemistry 13,00
................ PR Laboratory Course of Polymer Chemistry 22,00
................ UE Exercises in Polymer Chemistry 21,50
................ UE Exercises in Polymerization Techniques1,50
................ VL Physics of Soft Matter3,00
........ Management, Economics and Law0,00-26,00/0,00-8,50
................ Management0,00-6,00
........................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Management & Marketing
........................ Subject for the Master’s Examination: Finance & Accounting
........................ KS Introduction to Strategy & International Management3,00
........................ SE Global Management and Strategy3,00
................ Economics0,00-18,00/0,00-8,50
........................ KS Introduction to Economics3,00
........................ KS Market Economy and Government Activities3,00
........................ IK Market Economy and Government Activities3,00
........................ KS Managerial Economics3,00
........................ KS Taxes and Government Expenditure3,00
........................ KS Balance of Payments and Exchange Rates3,00
................ Law for Engineers0,00-19,00/0,00-8,50
........................ VL fundamentals of company law and law of associations2,00
........................ VL Law of Employment Relationship2,00
........................ VL Standardisation and technics2,00
........................ VL Public Law4,00
........................ VU Privat Law4,00
........................ VL Law converning quality assurance and Product Liability2,00
........................ VL Patent Law and Intellectual Property3,00
........ Sustainable Development, Transformative and Global Change0,00-26,00/0,00-8,50
................ Transformative Changes
........................ Entrepreneurship6,00
................................ KS Entrepreneurship6,00
........................ Methods for Organizing Transformation6,00
................................ SE Methods for Organizing Transformation and Innovation6,00
........................ Societal Forces of Transformation6,00
................................ KV Understanding Economic and Institutional Forces of Transformation and Innovation6,00
........................ Sustainable Business Models and Entrepreneurship6,00
................................ SE Sustainable Business Model Innovation in the Plastic Industry2,00
................................ SE Sustainable Entrepreneurship Foundations4,00
................ KS Sustainability Management Fundamentals3,00
................ KS Advanced Circular Economy 1: Product and Service Innovation3,00
................ IK Advanced Circular Economy 2: Innovation Project4,00
................ KV World Class Safety - Economic and Behavior Aspects of Health, Safety and Environment3,00
................ VU Global Studies: Interdisciplinary3,00
........ Soft Skills0,00-3,00
................ VL Ethics and Gender Studies3,00
................ KV Gender Studies Managing Equality TN3,00
Master's Thesis Seminar1,00
........ SE Master's Thesis Seminar SPM1,00
Free electives12,50