
[ 973SECERSSS24 ] SE Research Seminar: Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Circular Economy Innovation

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS M2 - Master's programme 2. year Business Administration Elisabeth Berger 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites SE Sustainable Entrepreneurship Principles
Original study plan Master's programme Management 2024W
Objectives The facilitators of this seminar will:

  • Empower students to critically evaluate current research trends and debates in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation
  • Guide students in conducting a comprehensive literature review on their research interests in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation
  • Enable students to synthesize existing knowledge and identify research gaps
  • Sensitize students for the ethical conduct of responsible research involving various stakeholders.
  • Enhance students' quantitative and qualitative data analysis skills
  • Capacitate students to develop a robust design for research projects
  • Facilitate peer review sessions where students can present their research proposals to their peers for feedback

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this seminar, the students will be able to:

  • LO1: Critically evaluate current research trends and debates in SECEI, showcasing a deep understanding of the field's evolving landscape.
  • LO2: Synthesize existing knowledge, identify research gaps, and contribute to the scholarly discourse.
  • LO3: Connect various concepts, theories, and empirical insights to form a cohesive understanding of the research field.
  • LO4: Develop a rigorous and robust research design in preparation for the master's thesis in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation, integrating appropriate theoretical perspectives and methods to address research questions and objectives effectively.
  • LO5: Present research proposals to peers and developmentally criticizing peers.
Subject The seminar offers students a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge, practical insights, and methodological research skills to deepen their knowledge of sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation. It is particularly designed to provide students with the research disciplines' specific toolkit for the crafting of a well-defined, impactful, ethically sound research proposal, which can also serve as a preparation for conducting a master's thesis in a later stage of the program.

Overall course content:

  • Advanced topics, concepts, and frameworks in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation
  • Research methodologies relevant to sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation
  • Ethical challenges and considerations specific to research in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation
  • Future directions of sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation in theory and practice
Criteria for evaluation The assessment of the seminar involves a group assignment and an individual assignment. A total of 100 points can be achieved.

  • The individual assessment can take one of the following forms (70 points):
    • Literature Review Assignment: Students conduct a comprehensive literature review related to their research interests in sustainable entrepreneurship. The assignment will assess the student's ability to synthesize existing knowledge, identify gaps, and articulate research questions.
    • Research Proposal Presentation: Students prepare and deliver a research proposal presentation to the class. The assignment will evaluate the student's ability to communicate their research ideas, methodology, and expected contributions effectively.
  • The group assessment can take one of the following forms (30 points):
    • A critical analysis paper where students evaluate current research trends and debates in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation. The assignment will assess students' ability to critically analyze existing literature and identify areas for future research.
    • A project or case study focused on ethical considerations in sustainable entrepreneurship and circular economy innovation research to a team of students. The assignment will assess students' understanding of ethical issues and their ability to propose ethical solutions in their research.
Methods The seminar involves the following teaching and learning methods:

  • Interactive lectures that enable students to actively and directly engage with the course material.
  • Literature review sessions that guide conducting comprehensive reviews while encouraging students to share their findings.
  • Research proposal workshops that guide students through the process of formulating research questions, designing methodologies, and identifying potential contributions to the field.
  • Collaborative peer review sessions where students present their research proposals to peers to refine their ideas and enhance their ability to give and receive constructive criticism.
Language English
Study material Study and reading materials can be retrieved from Moodle and/or will be announced in class.
Changing subject? No
Further information For quality assurance and improvement purposes, please participate in all JKU course evaluations and surveys!
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 25
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority