
[ 572KK1BBILK15 ] KS Accounting

Es ist eine neuere Version 2021W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Master's programme Law and Business for Engineers 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
2 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Business Administration Katharina Maschek 1 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites (*)KS Buchhaltung
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Business and Economics 2017W
Objectives The aim of this course is to gain specific knowledge of the preparation and presentation of annual financial statements (recognition, valuation, presentation and disclosure of specific items of the balance sheet) of corporate enterprises according to UGB (local GAAP).
Subject Detailed course outline:

  • Function and content of the annual financial statement
  • Legal principles and basics of accounting
  • Accounting for assets
  • Accounting for equity and liabilities
  • Income Statement
  • Accruals and deferrals
  • Income Taxes
  • Notes
Criteria for evaluation written exam
Methods Lecture
Language German
Study material Schneider W./Dobrovits/Schneider D./Grohmann-Steiger (2016): Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium, 21. Auflage, Band 1 und Band 2. For this course relevant chapters are no. 13.1-13.2, 17, 18.2.4-18.6, 19-22, 24-26 and 28.
Changing subject? No
Earlier variants They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to)
1BBILK: KS Accounting (2009W-2015S)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 100
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority
Number obligatory dates     0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0    
MuSSS assistance     Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs-Kainrath Astrid Horejs Astrid Horejs Astrid Horejs Astrid Horejs Astrid Horejs Astrid Horejs    
Number participants (min/max)     25 / 300 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 300 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 200 25 / 999 25 / 999    
Course fee     € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00 € 0,00    
Online materials and media    

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Moodle-Lab

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Moodle-Lab

ATTENTION: New book expected for SS 2016

From the SS 2016 onwards the fourth edition of the book “Grundlagen Buchhaltung und Bilanzmanagement” will presumably be used (expected date of publication: March 2016).

Till the present day the publishing company was not able to determine a publishing date for the fourth edition. As soon as the publication date is fixed the book will be available for purchase in the

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle

Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle Learning objectives for self-study, course materials for repitition, Sample exercises and sample exam including solutions, supervised electronic answer and question forum and an online tutoring session is offered. The accompanying Moodle-course can be found on Lab Moodle    
Book from onlineshop             Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop, available from course assignment Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop, available from course assignment Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (21. Auflage 2016 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 42,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 at ÖH-Shop Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00 Einführung in die Buchhaltung im Selbststudium (22. Auflage 2018 - Schneider Wilfried/Dobrovits Ingrid/Schneider Dieter - Facultas), available at the price of € 45,00    
Tue17.11.201519:15 - 20:00div. HSSchlussklausur
Mon18.01.201619:15 - 20:00HS 1Nachklausur
Mon18.01.201619:15 - 20:00HS 1Schlussklausur
Thu04.02.201611:15 - 12:00HS 1Nachklausur
Fri29.04.201612:00 - 12:45div. HSSchlussklausur
Tue28.06.201612:00 - 12:45HS 1Nachklausur
Tue28.06.201612:00 - 12:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Tue13.09.201617:30 - 18:15HS 1Nachklausur
Tue04.10.201617:15 - 18:45HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek (freiwillig!)
Mon21.11.201617:15 - 18:00div. HSSchlussklausur
Mon23.01.201719:00 - 19:45HS 1Nachklausur
Tue04.10.201617:15 - 18:45HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek (freiwillig!)
Mon23.01.201719:00 - 19:45div. HSSchlussklausur
Fri10.02.201712:15 - 13:00HS 1Nachklausur
Wed08.03.201715:30 - 17:00HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek (freiwillig!)
Thu27.04.201712:00 - 12:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Fri30.06.201712:00 - 12:45HS 1Nachklausur
Wed08.03.201715:30 - 17:00HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek
Fri30.06.201712:00 - 12:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Mon18.09.201709:00 - 09:45HS 16Nachklausur
Fri17.11.201712:00 - 12:45div. HSSchlussklausur
Mon22.01.201819:00 - 19:45HS 1Nachklausur
Mon22.01.201819:00 - 19:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Mon05.02.201809:00 - 09:45HS 1Nachklausur
Wed07.03.201815:30 - 17:00HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek
Mon30.04.201819:00 - 19:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Wed27.06.201815:30 - 16:15HS 1Nachklausur
Wed27.06.201815:30 - 16:15HS 1Schlussklausur
Mon17.09.201808:30 - 09:15HS 1Nachklausur
Tue02.10.201817:15 - 18:45HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek
Mon19.11.201817:15 - 18:00HS 1Schlussklausur
Thu24.01.201918:00 - 18:45div. HSNachklausur
Tue02.10.201817:15 - 18:45HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek
Thu24.01.201918:00 - 18:45div. HSSchlussklausur
Wed06.02.201912:00 - 12:45HS 16Nachklausur
Tue05.03.201917:15 - 18:45HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek - fakultativ
Fri12.04.201909:15 - 10:00HS 1Schlussklausur
Wed26.06.201918:00 - 18:45HS 10Nachklausur
Wed26.06.201918:00 - 18:45HS 10Schlussklausur
Tue01.10.201919:00 - 19:45HS 16Nachklausur
Thu10.10.201913:45 - 15:15HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek
Tue19.11.201918:00 - 18:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Mon20.01.202014:00 - 14:45HS 1Nachklausur
Mon20.01.202014:00 - 14:45HS 1Schlussklausur
Tue04.02.202014:00 - 14:45HS 1Nachklausur
Wed04.03.202015:30 - 17:00HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek (fakultativ)
Tue21.04.202009:00 - 09:45div. HSSchlussklausur
Thu25.06.202016:00 - 16:45div. HSNachklausur
Wed04.03.202015:30 - 17:00HS 1Termin Prof. Rohatschek (fakultativ)
Thu25.06.202016:00 - 16:45ZOOMSchlussklausur
Wed16.09.202012:00 - 12:45ZOOMNachklausur
Thu14.01.202119:00 - 19:45ONLINESchlussklausur
Thu04.02.202112:00 - 12:45ONLINENachklausur
Mon28.06.202108:30 - 10:15ZOOMSchlussklausur - Online
Mon12.07.202117:00 - 17:45ZOOMNachklausur - ONLINE