
[ 572ECTMECOU15 ] IK Econometrics I

Es ist eine neuere Version 2019W dieser LV im Curriculum Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2021W vorhanden.
Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
2 ECTS B2 - Bachelor 2. Jahr Volkswirtschaftslehre Martin Halla 1 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Anmeldevoraussetzungen Fach Einführung in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Fach Einführung in die Volkswirtschaftslehre und Fach Kernkompetenzen I aus Volkswirtschaftslehre
Quellcurriculum Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftswissenschaften 2015W
Ziele The Intensifying Course (IC) Econometrics I complements the Course (CS) Econometrics I. While the CS deals with econometric theory, the focus of the IC are respective empirical applications. Therefore, all meetings will take place in the computer labor.
Lehrinhalte • Multiple Regression Analysis
• Econometric Specification
• Data Issues
• Binary Variables
• Heteroskedasticity
• Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data
Beurteilungskriterien Before each meeting students are asked to register which exercises they have solved. In total, the exercises will allow students to collect 30 points. Students with a very good presentation will get an additional point; students with a poor presentation will lose one point.
Lehrmethoden The integral parts of the IC are five take-home problem sets consisting of practical exercises. Students will be assigned to present the solutions of the exercises in the computer labor. This is followed by a general discussion of the motivations, intuitions, and analytics of each exercise. Each problem set consists of about five exercises. To solve the exercises, students are free to use any calculator, computer, or software package. However, Stata is highly recommended.
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur See CS; plus optional: Adkins, Lee C und R. Carter Hill (2008), Using Stata for Principles of Econometrics, 3rd ed., Wiley.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? Nein
Sonstige Informationen In order to successfully participate in this intensifiying course, students need also to enroll in the course "Econometrics I". Please, see the respective prerequisites there. Further information, in particular, the overall schedule of the econometrics classes, are available at . Please note that not all econometrics classes are offered every semester.
Frühere Varianten Decken ebenfalls die Anforderungen des Curriculums ab (von - bis)
2VTMOEKI1: IK Econometrics I (2009W-2015S)
Teilungsziffer 40
Zuteilungsverfahren Zuteilung nach Vorrangzahl