Detailed information |
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Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Business Informatics 2014W |
Objectives |
The students are familiar with (syntax-independent) modern methods of programming. They have basic knowledge in developing algorithmic programs and are capable of object-oriented programming. They know control structures and are familiar with basic concepts of data representation, in particular with lists, trees, recursive data structures and algorithms. They know the programming language Java.
Subject |
Terminology: problem solving strategies machines, data and commands algorithms (definition) formal languages, expressions, grammars programming languages and compilers Syntax constructs: primitive data types and literals variables, names, declarations, initialization operators (arithmetic, comparing, assigning, logic, bitwise, unary) operator priorities, type conversion commands, visibility and sequences of commands arrays and character strings control structures Basic concepts in programming: objects, classes, attributes, methods referencing objects, constructors object-oriented programming procedures and parameters input/output, files interfaces extension of classes (overloading, inheritance) Selected special concepts in programming: dynamic data structures (example lists) overview dynamic data structures (graphs, queues, stacks, sets) self-reference and means of description recursive algorithms (linear and non-linear, example mergesort) recursive data structures (example trees) events and event processing exceptions threads Organizing programming: programming conventions (code conventions) file organization, structuring, comments structuring concepts for large programs documentation packages tools and development environments
Further information |