
[ 500VTID23 ] Subject Legal Specialization in Technology, Innovation and Digitalization

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Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
25 ECTS Accumulative subject examination B3 - Bachelor's programme 3. year Philipp Homar Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Bachelor's programme Business Law 2023W 2024W
Objectives Students will have in-depth knowledge of the relevant (European and national) areas of technology law and the legal framework for innovation and digitalization, including constitutional and fundamental rights requirements. They will be able to solve complex questions and cases from central areas of (public and private) technology law, data protection law, intellectual property, platform regulation law including relevant competition law framework conditions as well as accompanying questions of criminal and tax law.
Subject (*)Digital Society und Recht, Grundlagen und System des Technikrechts, Neue Technologien und Recht, Recht des Datenschutzes und der Datennutzung.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures