
[ 500VRTD23 ] Subject Field of Specialization: Law, Technology, Digitalization

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Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
43 ECTS Structure B3 - Bachelor's programme 3. year Philipp Homar Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Bachelor's programme Business Law 2023W 2024W
Objectives Students are familiar with the fundamental legal issues that digitalization and innovation entail. They have a sound understanding of the associated change processes in the (EU and national) public and private law of technology and digitalization, intellectual property law, competition law, criminal law and tax law. In addition, there is specific knowledge of data protection law, data usage law and data governance. Targeted practical testing consolidates the legal knowledge acquired in an interdisciplinary context. In addition, depending on the chosen area of specialization, students have business management skills in the areas of change and innovation management, digitalization management and digital business, or basic technical knowledge in the areas of algorithms and data structures, data science, AI and legal tech.
Subject (*)- Rechtswissenschaftliche Vertiefungsfächer im Bereich Technik, Innovation und Digitalisierung
- Technische Grundlagen der Innovation und Digitalisierung
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures