
[ 986CABUCB322 ] Module CB3: Entrepreneurship and new business venturing

Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
6 ECTS Accumulative module examination M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Matthias Fink Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Leadership and Innovation in Organizations 2024W
Objectives Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this module, the students will be able to:

  • LO1 Remember key principles of the Disciplined Entrepreneurship framework and fundamental concepts in entrepreneurship.
  • LO2 Understand various market analysis techniques and their relevance in identifying business opportunities.
  • LO3.1 Apply business model development strategies to create viable and scalable business cases for their startup ideas.
  • LO3.2 Apply social skills to navigate a team project successfully.
  • LO3.3 Apply AI to support the startup process.
  • LO4 Analyze case studies and real-world examples to identify strengths and weaknesses in business strategies.
  • LO5 Evaluate strategies for product-market fit, assessing their effectiveness in the context of startup sustainability and growth.
  • LO6 Create and deliver effective business pitches, demonstrating their ability to synthesize and communicate complex business ideas persuasively.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures