Detailed information |
Pre-requisites |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Statistics and Data Science 2021W |
Objectives |
The course supplies the mathematical background for the bachelor curriculum, in particular for the subject theoretical statistics.
Subject |
Sets: Definition; Notation; Subset, empty set, power set; Venn-diagrams;
Union, intersection, complement; Set identities; Simplification of set expressions, normal forms; Cartesian product; Countable and uncountable sets; Combinatorics: Induction; Permutations; Combinations; Binomial Theorem;
Multinomial Theorem; Functions: Definition, graph of a function; One-one, onto and bijective functions; Increasing, decreasing, even and odd functions; Sum, product, quotient and composition of functions; Inverse function; Limit of a function;
Continuity; Intermediate value theorem; Differentiation: Definition; Product-, quotient-, chain rule; Derivative of some classes of functions; Derivative of the inverse function; L´Hospital´s rule; Extreme values; Infinite series: Sequences; Series, tests for convergence;
Radius of convergence of a power series; Taylor polynomial and remainder;
Criteria for evaluation |
Methods |
Presentation by the instructor
Language |
German |
Study material |
Lecture notes: Mathematics I
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)551MATHMIAV14: VL Mathematik Ia (2 ECTS) gemeinsam mit 551MATHMIBV14: VL Mathematik Ib (3 ECTS)