The focus of this subject is on deductive reasoning, including model checking and theorem proving, techniques which are also essential for software and hardware verification.
Further information
Rules for the elective track "Symbolic AI and Mathematical Foundations": (a) Students need to complete 21 ECTS points in total from both sub-categories ("Symbolic AI" and "Mathematical Foundations"). (b) Students need to choose a “focus” sub-category from which at least 13.5 ECTS points have to be completed. If the focus is the sub-category “Symbolic AI”, the following courses must be completed:
993TASMKPLV22: VL Knowledge Representation and Learning (3 ECTS)
993TASMKPLU22: UE Knowledge Representation and Learning (1.5 ECTS)
993TASMPRAV22: VL Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (3 ECTS)
993TASMPRAU22: UE Planning and Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence (1.5 ECTS).