
[ 901MAKOLLO19 ] Module Master Thesis Colloquium

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
3 ECTS Single module examination M2 - Master's programme 2. year Law Erika Wagner Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Master's programme Law and Business for Engineers 2024W
Objectives The aim of the colloquium is to provide students with individual support in the development of their Master's thesis concept, to provide feedback on their presentation and to agree on the next steps to ensure progress in the Master's thesis.
Criteria for evaluation (*)Mündliche Prüfung
Further information (*)Im Falle einer Änderung des Betreuers/der Betreuerin oder des Themas der Masterarbeit ist das Masterarbeitskolloquium neuerlich zu absolvieren. Ein bereits absolviertes Masterarbeitskolloquium kann in diesem Fall als freie Studienleistung verwendet werden.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures