
[ RPRGSVODI ] VL Basics of Social Law

(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
1 ECTS D - Diploma programme Law 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Diploma programme Diploma programme Law 2024W
Objectives Understanding of the key basic structures of Austrian social law.
Subject (*)Übersicht über das Sozialrecht, allgemeine Fragen des Sozialversicherungsrechts, Grundzüge des Rechts der Kranken-, Unfall-, Pensions- und Arbeitslosenversicherung, Kinderbetreuungsgeld und Bundespflegegeld
Criteria for evaluation (*)-
Language German
Study material (*)Resch, Sozialrecht (In der aktuellen Auflage)
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants -
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority