Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieses Fachs/Moduls im Curriculum Masterstudium Leadership and Innovation in Organizations 2024W vorhanden.
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Form der Prüfung
Anbietende Uni
Kumulative Modulprüfung
M1 - Master 1. Jahr
Matthias Fink
Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Masterstudium Leading Innovative Organizations 2021W
(*)• Understand the contextualized nature of entrepreneurship and its key role in the formulation and the development of business models • Learn how to create business models that foster innovation-driven entrepreneurship within different contexts • Develop a deeper knowledge of current topics regarding a entrepreneurial perspective on business models • Be able to participate in ongoing academic discussions regarding the elements of business models for entrepreneurial firms and to develop own research questions • Understand the relevance of current research results on entrepreneurship and business models for enacting entrepreneurship in specific regional and temporal settings • Get an integrative view on entrepreneurship and business models that comprises a research and practice perspective
(*)• Understand the contextualized nature of entrepreneurship and its key role in the formulation and the development of business models
• Learn how to create business models that foster innovation-driven entrepreneurship within different contexts
• Develop a deeper knowledge of current topics regarding a entrepreneurial perspective on business models
• Be able to participate in ongoing academic discussions regarding the elements of business models for entrepreneurial firms and to develop own research questions
• Understand the relevance of current research results on entrepreneurship and business models for enacting entrepreneurship in specific regional and temporal settings
• Get an integrative view on entrepreneurship and business models that comprises a research and practice perspective
Untergeordnete Studienfächer, Module und Lehrveranstaltungen