[ TM1WKUESPEK ] UE Spectral theory and distributions
Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Computational Mathematics 2024W vorhanden. |
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english. |
Workload |
Education level |
Study areas |
Responsible person |
Hours per week |
Coordinating university |
3 ECTS |
B3 - Bachelor's programme 3. year |
Mathematics |
Johanna Penteker |
2 hpw |
Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Technical Mathematics 2012W |
Objectives |
(*)Konkrete Handhabung grundlegender Techniken der Spektraltheorie in Hilberträumen und der Distributionentheorie. Die Verbindung zur
Fourier Analysis und Partiellen Differentialgleichungen, anhand des Laplaceoperators
Subject |
(*)Spektralsätze für kompakte Operatoren. Diffusionshalbgruppen, Spektraltheorie Elliptischer Operatoren, Distributionen,
Temperierte Distributionen und Fourier Transformation. Hermite System, Eigenfunktionen des Laplace Operators
Criteria for evaluation |
Study material |
Naoki Saito: Laplacian Eigenfunctions: Theory, Applications and Computations
Reed-Simon, Methods of Mathematical Physics, Bd 1,
(Functional Analysis)
J. Cigler, Skriptum Distributionentheorie
Changing subject? |
No |
On-site course |
Maximum number of participants |
25 |
Assignment procedure |
Direct assignment |