Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Human Medicine 2020W |
Objectives |
Students can discuss the contents of anatomy and its fields of study and work (K3). They can describe the spatial axes and planes as well as the directions of movement of the human body (K2). The students can explain the elements of the passive and active locomotor system (K3) and are able to name the structure, occurrence and function of bone types, joint types and muscle types (K2). You can describe the structure of tendons, fasciae, muscle groups (K2). The basic structure of the trunk and extremities is reproducible (K1). The students can explain the structure of nerve fibres and nerves (K2). They are able to reproduce the structure of the heart (K2) and explain differences between blood and lymph vessels (K3). The structure of erösen caves (pleura, peritoneum) can be explained by the students (K3). They are able to enumerate the contents and topography of the thorax, abdomen, retroperitoneum and pelvis (K1) and are able to explain the function of the organs in these body spaces (K3). The organs with endocrine function can be listed by them (K2) and shown in diagram (K1). Students can discuss the topography of the skull and neck and the structure of the eye and ear (K2).
Subject |
Anatomical basics (shape and blueprint); General bone theory (structure and function of bone types); General joint theory (joint types, ligaments); General muscle theory (muscle types, tendons, fasciae, muscle groups); Overview of trunk and extremities (structure, topography); Overview of peripheral nervous system (structure, fibre qualities, essential nerves); Overview heart and circulatory system (structure, heart, essential blood vessels, lymphatic system, serous cavities); overview thorax and respiratory system (topography, mediastinum, lungs and pleura); overview abdomen (digestive system, spleen); overview urogenital system (organs); overview endocrine system (definition, organs); overview head, neck and sense organs (topography skull and neck; structure eye and ear).
Criteria for evaluation |
Electronic examination
Language |
German |
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)303ANGRAN1V19: VL Anatomische Grundlagen I (3 ECTS)
Earlier variants |
They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to) 303ANGRAN1V19: VL Basics in anatomy I (2019W-2020S)