
[ 973SMCPIBPS16 ] SE Master Seminar: International Business Project

Es ist eine neuere Version 2019W dieser LV im Curriculum Masterstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik 2019W vorhanden.
Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
6 ECTS M1 - Master 1. Jahr Betriebswirtschaftslehre Erna Szabo 3 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Anmeldevoraussetzungen Master Course Creating Strategic Advantages
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium General Management 2018W
Ziele Die Lehrveranstaltung wird in Englisch abgehalten.

To make students familiar with today’s business world, which is becoming more and more global and also virtual. To provide students with a learning environment that allows for experiencing the benefits and challenges of multicultural and virtual team work, and to give them a chance to reflect on these experiences. To enable students to acquire a holistic picture of activities and their consequences of an internationally operating production company by participating in an online business simulation over different time zones. To give students the opportunity to acquire skills required for virtual collaboration, by both participating in virtual teams and by having seminars over web conferences. To provide a better understanding of different issues regarding internationalization from different perspectives.

Lehrinhalte Challenges of Virtual Collaboration
Virtual Shift Work and its consequences
Collaboration and Coordination in Virtual Teams
Creativity and Innovation & Virtuality
Leadership in Virtual Teams
Culture and Virtuality
The Future of Virtual Collaboration
Digital Divide
Beurteilungskriterien Group Project incl. Reflective Essays and Group Work
Short Tests
Individual Essays
Case Study
Lehrmethoden Classroom Discussion
Individual and Group Reflexions
Online Business Simulation over different time zones
Online class via webconferencing tool
Group Tasks
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur Panteli, N. & Tucker, R. (2009) Power and Trust in Global Virtual Teams. Communications of the ACM. 52 (12). 113-115. Williams, K.D., Cheung, C.K.T. & Choi, W. (2000) Cyberostracism: Effects of Being Ignored Over the Internet. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 79 (5). 748-762. Kock, N. (2005) Media Richness or Media Naturalness? The Evolution of Our Biological Communication Aparatus and Its Influence on Our Behavior Toward E-Communication Tools. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 48 (2). 117-130. O´Leary, M.B. & Cummings, J.N. (2007) The Spatial, Temporal and Configurational Characteristics of Geographic Dispersion in Teams. MIS Quarterly. 31(3). 433-452.

Cummings, J.N. (2011) Geography is Alive and Well in Virtual Teams. Communicatino of the ACM. 54 (8). 24-26. Letaief, R., Favier, M. & Coat, F. (2006) Creativity and the Creation Process in Global Virtual Teams: Case Study of the Intercultural Virtual Project. AIM Conference 2006 (Association Information and Management). 242-258. Chamakiotis, P., Dekoninck, E.A. & Panteli, N. (2010) Creativity in Virtual Design Teams. International Design Conference – Design 2010. 1035-1044.

Lähteenmäki, S., Saarinen, E., Fischlmayr I.C. & Lainema, T. (2009) Virtual Organizations. In: Bidgoli, H. (Ed.) The Handbook of Technology Management. pp. 189-206. Oxford, UK: Wiley. Holtbrügge, D. & Schillo, K. (2007) Intercultural Training Requirements for Virtual Assignments: Results of an Explorative Empirical Study. LASER Labor and Socio-Economic Research Center, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. Paper No. 10.
Herther, N. K. (2009) Digital Natives and Immigrants. What Brain Research Tells Us. Online, Nov/Dec 2009. 15-21. Fischlmayr, Iris C. (2011) “Who can take over the first shift?” – Acquiring knowledge, skills and competences for virtual collaboration through an online business simulation over different time zones. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Student Mobility and ICT. 19-25.

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2IMGTIBPR: SE Master Seminar International Business Project (2010W-2016S)
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