Detailed information |
Pre-requisites |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Sociology 2014W |
Objectives |
The objective of the course is to transfer knowledge about the mechanisms of advertising and market psychology (as a part of economic psychology). Students shall understand which factors influence advertising design, campaigns and product development. Furthermore, the focus lies on scientific understanding as well as scientific work. Participants shall have an idea how economic psychologists work in their field, how they optimize advertisement, marketing, product design, how they identify consumer’s desires and how they fulfill them. On the other hand, it is important that students get an idea about the negative aspects of consumption, for instance about subtle advertisement, the influence on the consumer and his opinion, the increase in wishing for a special product, the effect of shown pictures, scenarios and stereotypes in advertisement on the self-perception and how consumers are exposured to shopping seduction every day.
Subject |
The content of this seminar includes the most important psychological results and theories which are used in market psychology. Topics covered on the course include - consumer behavior (for instance purchase behavior and processes regarding purchase decisions, heuristics) - attitudes (models, development, changes in attitudes) - psychological consistency, commitment, dissonance, reactance - sales psychology (for example sales techniques, sympathy) - basic principles of social psychology (as social reference group, learning on models, social influence, social acceptance) - perception, attention, information processing, memory, learning - psychology of the brand (as branding, image) - formal (colors, language) and content (stereotypes, beauty, emotions) advertising design - market research (including interviews, focus groups, questionnaires) - negative aspects of consumption (for instance shopping addiction, nutrition, manipulation, environment)
Criteria for evaluation |
Students are supposed to search for appropriate literature like journals, book chapters, prepare the contents and present them in front of the whole group, as well as include a discussion part or a practical exercise in their presentation. Furthermore, a short written term paper (approximately five sites) is expected, including references and quotations. Besides the presentation and written paper the students will be encouraged to participate in discussions and practical exercises.
Language |
German |
Study material |
- Felser, G. (2007). Werbe- und Konsumentenpsychologie. Berlin: Springer. - Herkner, W. (2001). Lehrbuch Sozialpsychologie. Bern: Huber. - Hogg, M.A. & Vaughan, G.M. (2008). Social Psychology. Harlow: Pearson. - Kirchler, E. (2011). Wirtschaftspsychologie: Individuen, Gruppen, Märkte, Staat. Göttingen: Hogrefe
Changing subject? |
No |
Earlier variants |
They also cover the requirements of the curriculum (from - to) 2PMPSE: SE Consumer behavior (2002W-2014S)