
[ 480MAADMAAU14 ] IK Managerial Accounting for Engineers

Es ist eine neuere Version 2019W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Management in Chemical Technologies (MCT) 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Business Administration Dorothea Greiling 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites VL Finance, Accounting and Taxation
IK Finance, Accounting and Taxation
Original study plan Master's programme Management in Polymer Technologies (MPT) 2014W
Objectives The goal for this course is to help you understand how accounting information can help you to do your job better and can affect what your company does every day.
Subject Aspects of operative and strategic managerial accounting as techniques for facilitating managers’ decision making and for decision-influencing purposes with a company
Criteria for evaluation 50% - Homework, in-class work and participation in class discussions
50% - Exam

Homework: You have one homework assignment for every class meeting. You must complete the homework and bring two copies to class with them. You must give one copy to the instructor and keep one for yourself to use in class discussion. You should refer to the teaching schedule. There you will find a list of the problems and the dates they are to be completed and turned in. For example, a problem from chapter 4 is due on 14 October and 21 October. The instructor prefers that you prepare the homework on a computer and print copies. If you do not bring two copies, you will keep a copy and you will not get credit for completing the assignment. The instructor will grade the homework as “accepted” or “not accepted” based on your effort, not the accuracy of your answer. Therefore, if you try to answer the problem, you should have your homework “accepted.” If you will not be attending class, you must send the homework to the instructor by email attachment before class. Homework is required whether you attend class or not. Solutions to homework, and in-class work, will be available on KUSSSS after we have completed the chapter.

In-class work: You will be working on textbook problems during class. You are expected to complete the problems in the time the instructor allows. The instructor will ask for volunteers and also may ask you to offer your solution even if you did not volunteer. Participation in these discussions is very important as a part of your course grade.

Participation will be graded as follows: To earn a ‘1’ students must attend class regularly and frequently volunteer answers for in-class work and homework and ask questions. To earn a ‘2’ students must attend class regularly and occasionally volunteer answers for in-class work and homework and ask questions. To earn a ‘3’ or lower students attend class but very infrequently volunteer answers for in-class work and homework and ask questions.

Exam: Your exam will consist of two problems similar to the problems you will do for homework and in-class. You will have two hours. The exam will be closed book.

Language English
Study material J. L. Zimmerman, Accounting for Decision Making and Control, 8th edition, McGraw-Hill
Changing subject? No
Corresponding lecture WKMPMSEMAAC: SE Managerial Accounting for Engineers (3 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 30
Assignment procedure Assignment according to priority