Further information |
Elective subjects have to be completed successfully according to sub-para.1 or 2:
1. The subject „Elective Polymer Materials and Synthesis“ or the subject „Elective Polymer Processing“ has to be chosen, whereupon graduates of the Bachelor's program "Chemistry" have to complete the chosen elective subject to an extent of 22,3 ECTS, graduates of the Bachelor's program "Biological Chemistry" to an extent of 16,3 ECTS and graduates of the Bachelor's program "Polymer Engineering and Technologies" to an extent of 14,9 ECTS.
2. Alternatively the subject Gender Studies to an extent of 3 ECTS and one of the two other elective subjects can be chosen. In this case graduates of the Bachelor's program "Technical Chemistry" have to complete the other chosen elective subject to an extent of 19,3 ECTS, graduates of the Bachelor's program "Biological Chemistry" to an extent of 13,3 ECTS and graduates of the Bachelor's program "Polymer Engineering and Technologies" to an extent of 11,9 ECTS.