
[ 290OPCHSP1U18 ] UE (*)Exercises in Spectroscopy and Structure Elucidation I

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Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
1,5 ECTS B2 - Bachelor 2. Jahr Chemie Norbert Müller 1 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Bachelorstudium Chemistry 2018W
Ziele (*)Learn to determine the structures of organic molecules from molecular spectroscopy data.
Lehrinhalte (*)Interpretation of 1H and 13C NMR spectra. Basic two-dimensional spectroscopy. Combination of spectroscopic information from different methods (NMR, IR, MS, UV-vis).
Beurteilungskriterien (*)Performance in written homework (spectral interpretation and assignment tasks and structure elucidations)
Lehrmethoden (*)Presentations and hands-on exercises
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur (*)available in the course
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? Nein
Sonstige Informationen (*)It is recommended to take this course in parallel to the Laboratory Course of Preparative Organic Chemistry for Biological Chemistry 1.
Äquivalenzen (*)TCBPCUESSA1: UE Exercises in Spectroscopy and Structural Elucidation I (1,6 ECTS)
Teilungsziffer 25
Zuteilungsverfahren Direktzuteilung