Detailinformationen |
Quellcurriculum |
Bachelorstudium Chemistry 2018W |
Ziele |
(*)Understanding of atomic and molecular structures using quantum mechanics and spectroscopy
Lehrinhalte |
(*)Theory of atomic structure, theory of the chemical bonding and the molecular structure, spectroscopy of molecules, symmetry, structural characterization with diffraction methods, electrical and magnetic properties of molecules, properties of crystalline solids
- Quantumchemistry of H-Atom
- Quantumchemistry of molecular bonding
- Optical Absorption Spectroscopy
- Photoluminescence Spectroscopy
- Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy
- Raman Spectroscopy
- X-ray spectroscopy and crystallography
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
- Dielectric Impedance Spectroscopy
- Magnetic Susceptibility Spectroscopy
- Symmetry of Molecules
Beurteilungskriterien |
(*)oral exam
Lehrmethoden |
Abhaltungssprache |
Englisch |
Literatur |
(*)Atkins, PhysicalChemistry, 2006, Engl and Reid, PhysicalChemistry, (3rd edition), 2012, Barrow, Physical Chemistry.
Lehrinhalte wechselnd? |
Nein |
Äquivalenzen |
(*)TCBPDVOPYC2: VO Physical Chemistry II (2,6 ECTS)