
[ INBIPKVETHG ] KV Ethics and Gender Studies

Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieser LV im Curriculum Bachelor's programme Statistics and Data Science 2024W vorhanden.
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
3 ECTS B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Social Science Michael Fuchs 2 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Computer Science 2013W
Objectives The course reviews humanity's ideas and core tasks.
Consequences of goals, forms and criteria of approaches in natural sciences and engineering, problems and dangers of technology from an ethical standpoint, the responsibilities of computer scientists.
Raising the awareness of gender inequities in opportunities, load- and income distribution.
Subject Today “Ethics” is everywhere, also regarding science and technology. This is not just fashion, but also has strong reasons: science and technology have produced vast knowledge and highly effective manual intervention. The associated modern hopes of progress, liberation and justice between social groups and between the sexes were replaced by ambivalence experience: There are desirable, problematic and fateful objectives and effects. Academic research and education needs to develop discernment: How can the highly efficient scientific and technological opportunities be human controlled and prevented or at least minimized irresponsible effects?
Criteria for evaluation
Language German
Changing subject? No
Further information
Corresponding lecture (*)INBPGKVETHI: KV Ethik in Naturwissenschaft und Technik (3 ECTS)
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 35
Assignment procedure Direct assignment