[ MEMWHUEHCMM ] UE Advanced Computational Methods in Mechanics
Es ist eine neuere Version 2022W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Medical Engineering 2024W vorhanden. |
Workload |
Education level |
Study areas |
Responsible person |
Hours per week |
Coordinating university |
1,25 ECTS |
M2 - Master's programme 2. year |
Mechatronics |
Johannes Gerstmayr |
1 hpw |
Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Master's programme Mechatronics 2015W |
Objectives |
- Getting an overview about the possibilities of computational methods in mechanics
- Ability to collect material about specific computational methods, to present and program them within simplified computer codes
Subject |
- Advanced computer-aided methods in mechanics - Stress and strain measures in continuum mechanics including discussion of stress and strain rates - Nonlinear finite element methods for structural and solid finite elements - Advanced methods formultibody system dynamics - Material models and basics of elasto-plasticity - Time integration methods
Criteria for evaluation |
homework, presentation of theoretical and programmed examples, discussion
Methods |
Lecture, numerical and practical examples, homework, presentations, lecture notes
Language |
German, if desired English |
Changing subject? |
No |
Further information |
On-site course |
Maximum number of participants |
35 |
Assignment procedure |
Assignment according to sequence |