
[ 497WPMSSPCV15 ] VL Special Topics of Polymer Chemistry

Es ist eine neuere Version 2023W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Polymer Chemistry (discontinuing at 28/2/2027) 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
1,5 ECTS M2 - Master's programme 2. year Chemistry Oliver Brüggemann 1 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Polymer Chemistry 2015S
Objectives Link polymer chemistry in theory and practical experience in industry. Comment on current industrial challenges and opportunities from a polymer chemistry view.
Subject Polymers in pulp and paper production

  • Overview on processes
  • Retention of fibers on the papermachine by use of polymers (how it works and impact on environment and costs)
  • Specialty papers for production printing
- Excursion to high speed inkjet printing technology
- Principles of inkjet printing ink
- How surface polymer chemistry on HSI paper works
- Excursion to offset printing technology
- Principles of conventional offset printing ink
- Use of surface active pigments in paper production and their binders
- Digital printing technologies from a polymer chemistry view

Food packaging. Migration of critical substances from packaging material into foodstuffs.
Role of polymers in food packaging:

  • Printing inks for food packaging (formulation, curing, migration,…)
  • Barriers (barrier concepts – multi layer packaging material)
  • Role of paper in food packaging as a bio-based material
  • Chemical analytics of food packaging material
  • Food packaging for hot applications (e.g. baking trays)
  • Legislation

Wood-based materials in interiors of houses

  • Overview on production processes
  • Adhesives for engineered wood
  • Reaction of the human body on emissions
  • Source of emissions
  • Low emission and emission-free concepts
Criteria for evaluation Written exam.
Methods Lecture and discussion.
Language English
Study material Own Presentations. Book: Holzwerkstoffe und Leime: Technologie und Einflussfaktoren. M. Dunky.
Book: Handbuch der Printmedien. H. Kipphan
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants -
Assignment procedure Direct assignment