
[ 497PHCHESPV13 ] VL Elements of Structuring in Polymers

Es ist eine neuere Version 2019W dieser LV im Curriculum Master's programme Polymer Chemistry (discontinuing at 28/2/2027) 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
1,3 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Chemistry Sabine Hild 1 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Master's programme Polymer Chemistry 2014S
Objectives Provision of knowledge for gaining a thorough basic understanding of the processes involved in the structuring of polymers from the molecular level up to the macroscopic level as result of their processing.
Subject 1. Structures in polymers

properties of single molecules
equilibrium properties of polymeric materials (MWD, polymer solutions, polymer blends, phases and phase diagrams)

2. Structuring processes

reactive (polymerization, setting, degradation)
non-reactive (mixing/demixing, solidification (vitrification, crystallization) and melting, LC transitions, nucleation in polymeric substances, secondary crystallization, solid-solid transitions, tempering)

3. The role of external physical quantities in structuring processes

the role of temperature and pressure, heat transfer, geometrical constraints (fronts, crystallization in thin specimens), kinetics, deformation induced kinetics

4. Structure – property relationships

bulk and interface properties, properties in small layers
Criteria for evaluation Oral exam
Methods Teacher-centered lecturing supported by digital media
Language English
Study material Short script as PDF-files
Changing subject? No
On-site course
Maximum number of participants -
Assignment procedure Direct assignment