
[ 497BRKTAAOP13 ] PR Laboratory Course of Analytical, Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

Workload Education level Study areas Responsible person Hours per week Coordinating university
14,4 ECTS M1 - Master's programme 1. year Chemistry Norbert Müller 12 hpw Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Pre-requisites For safety reasons, at least 6 ECTS verifiably in chemical laboratory courses with individual experimental work or admission to the master's program for polymer chemistry
Original study plan Master's programme Polymer Chemistry 2014W
Objectives Acquiring practical chemistry laboratory skills and procedures including laboratory safety.
Subject Fundamental analytical chemistry techniques.

Practical preparative inorganic chemistry and laboratory techniques.

Introduction to practical preparative organic synthesis and structure analysis (NMR, IR, MS spectrum interpretation).

Criteria for evaluation Lab safety, analytical accuracy and precision, product yield, protocolling
Methods Laboratory exercises with practical assignments.
Language English
Study material Lab scripts, literature assignments
Changing subject? No
Further information The program oft he course is tailored individually depending on the previous knowledge of the students.
Corresponding lecture 497BRKTAAOP13: PR Praktikum aus Analytischer, Anorganischer und Organischer Chemie (14,4 ECTS) or
[ TCBPBPRANC2: PR Praktikum aus Analytischer Chemie II (6 ECTS) + 497BRKTOACP10: PR Praktikum aus Organischer und Anorganischer Chemie (8,4 ECTS) ]
On-site course
Maximum number of participants 10
Assignment procedure Direct assignment