[ TCBPAVOEAC2 ] VL Introduction II to General Chemistry
(*) Unfortunately this information is not available in english. |
Workload |
Education level |
Study areas |
Responsible person |
Hours per week |
Coordinating university |
1,3 ECTS |
B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year |
Chemistry |
Günther Knör |
1 hpw |
Johannes Kepler University Linz |
Detailed information |
Original study plan |
Bachelor's programme Technical Chemistry 2017W |
Objectives |
Introduction to the fundamentals of General Chemistry and preparation for the lab course. This lecture continues the lecture „Einführung in die Allgemeine Chemie I“
Subject |
1h: Energy conversion of chemical reactions, reaction enthalpy, Hess’s law, enthalpies of formation, Born-Haber-Cyclus, bond enthalpy, law of mass action and free enthalpy, equilibrium constant, distribution equilibria: Nernst’s distribution law and chromatography; 2h: basics of chemical kinetics, reaction order, collision theory, transition state theory, Hammond’s postulate, temperature dependency of the reaction rate, catalysis (homogeneous /heterogeneous), autocatalysis; 3h: chemical equilibrium, dynamic equilibrium, Le Chatelier‘s principle, activation energy, Haber-Bosch-process, solubility equilibrium, solubility product, solubility, Mohr’s titration; 4h: redox reastions, oxidation numbers; 5h: oxidation numbers for covalent compounds, oxidizing and reducing agents, redox potentials, acid-base-theories: Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry, Lewis, protolysis in water, strength of acids and bases, autoprotolysis, Brønsted-acids 6h: Amphoterism, pH-value and its calculation, degree of protolysis and Ostwald’s dilution law, titration, acid-base titrations, indicators, glass electrode, buffer, buffer-capacity, important acids and bases.
Criteria for evaluation |
written examination.
Methods |
Lecture using powerpoint presentation. The presentation can be downloaded from the institute’s homepage. It’s secured by a password.
Language |
German |
Study material |
C. H. Mortimer, U. Müller, Chemie, Thieme-Verlag. E. Riedel, C. Janiak, Anorganische Chemie, de Gruyter.
Changing subject? |
No |
Corresponding lecture |
(*)ist gemeinsam mit TCBPAVOEAC1: VO Einführung I in die Allgemeine Chemie (1,3 ECTS) äquivalent zu WT1PAVOAA01: VO Einführung in die Allgemeine Chemie (3 ECTS)
On-site course |
Maximum number of participants |
- |
Assignment procedure |
Direct assignment |