
[ 973GMCPMCOK16 ] KS Master Course Organization

Es ist eine neuere Version 2024W dieser LV im Curriculum Masterstudium Joint Master's Program Global Business - Canada/Peru 2024W vorhanden.
Workload Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Semesterstunden Anbietende Uni
6 ECTS M1 - Master 1. Jahr Betriebswirtschaftslehre Elke Schüßler 2 SSt Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Anmeldevoraussetzungen IK Verhalten und Management in Organisationen (572ORGIVUMU15) UND KS Organisation und Innovation (572ORGIOUIK15) (Bei erfolgter Zulassung zu einem Masterstudium, in dem die Lehrveranstaltung im Rahmen der Pflicht- oder Wahlfächer vorgeschrieben ist, gilt diese Voraussetzung als erfüllt.
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium General Management 2017W
Ziele Die Lehrveranstaltung wird auf Englisch abgehalten.

Critically question and expand existing basic knowledge of organization theory and organizational behavior.Become familiar with three main theoretical frameworks for understanding organizations: economic, institutional, evolutionary.Apply these frameworks at different levels: individuals, groups, organizations, and populations of organizations. Understand why organizational structures and actions are subject to continual contestation, producing change and diversity in an uncertain environment. Learn to take an analytical approach to the study of organizations, drawing on several theoretical perspectives simultaneously. Learn to read, understand, and judge advanced research articles, thereby comprehending complex and ambiguous relationships as they appear in organizations and in management in general. Become able to critically reflect on organizations and the various roles the play in modern society – socially, politically, economically, and culturally.

Lehrinhalte This seminar examines organizations as building blocks in modern societies, reviews different theoretical frameworks that have been central to organization science, and applies these frameworks in the explanation of a broad range of organizational phenomena. The course is structured into two stages. Prep Stage: acquiring/relearning required basic knowledge for the course

Organizations as social systems
Definitions of organizations
Interplay between structure and agency
Organizations as a field of research
Economic, institutional and evolutionary perspectives

Advanced Stage: acquiring advanced knowledge for the course

Space & spatiality: geographic and social spaces of organizations; theories of economic agglomeration; organizational networks and fields
Time & temporality: historical approaches to organizations; theory of path dependence; different conceptions of time in organization studies
Structures & structuring: formal and informal structures; socialization processes; decoupling of structures and practice
Beurteilungskriterien Written exams in class:

First exam for Prep Stage (60 Points)
Second exam for Prep and Advanced Stage (90 Points)

Bonus points can be earned through additional assignments.

Grading criteria:

Knowledge of the discussed theories and contents
Ability to integrate multiple theories and evidence on different topics
Ability to develop an argument: what is the main claim and why should the reader believe that this claim is correct?
Lehrmethoden Lectures, Q&A, discussion questions, text discussion
Abhaltungssprache Englisch
Literatur Text book: Staber, U. (2013). Understanding Organizations. Theories and Images. Sage.
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2ORGMCO: KS Master Course Organization (2010W-2016S)
Teilungsziffer 200
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