
[ 875CCSB16 ] Studienfach (*)Complementary Subjects for Computer Scientists and Business Informaticians

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Workload Form der Prüfung Ausbildungslevel Studienfachbereich VerantwortlicheR Anbietende Uni
0/30 ECTS Kumulative Fachprüfung M1 - Master 1. Jahr Bioinformatik Sepp Hochreiter Johannes Kepler Universität Linz
Quellcurriculum Masterstudium Bioinformatics 2016W
Ziele (*)This subject contains courses in mathematics, biology/chemistry, and bioinformatics which have to be attended in the leveling phase of the first year by students holding a bachelor or master in computer science or business informaticians.
Lehrinhalte (*)Courses in mathematics, biology/chemistry and bioinformatics.
Sonstige Informationen (*)This subject is for students holding a degree in a Bachelor's Program in computer science or business informatics!
Untergeordnete Studienfächer, Module und Lehrveranstaltungen