Subject |
1. Introduction
2. Motivation (English)
3. Power and Authority (English)
4. Leadership (English)
5. Cooperation und Conflict (Game Theory)
6. Division of Labor (Taylorism and beyond)
7. Organization Structures I
8. Organization Structures II
9. Informal & Organization Culture
10. Strategy, Structure & Culture (Configuration Theory)
11. The History Management Studies
Study material |
Robbins, S.P. & T.A. Judge (2008): Organizational Behavior, Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, 13th edition (Paperback 2009).
Hofstadter, D. R. (1983). "Metamagical Themas: Computer Tournaments of the Prisoner's Dilemma Suggest How Cooperation Evolves." Scientific American 248(5): 16-26.
Jones, G.R. & R.B. Bouncken (2008): Organisation, München: Pearson Studium, 5. Auflage.
Mintzberg, Henry (2003): The Structuring of Organizations. In: Mintzberg, Henry, Joseph Lampel, James Brian Quinn and Sumantra Ghoshal (2003): The Strategy Process; Engle-wood Cliffs: Prentice Hall; pp. 209-226.
Adler, N. J. & A. Gundersen (2008): International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior, Mason, OH: Thomson South-Western, 5th Edition. → Chapter 5 Managing Multicultural Teams
Material prepared by course instructors (i.e., handouts corresponding to taped lectures digitally available in Moodle)