
[ 261GRPH12 ] Subject Fundamentals of Physics

Es ist eine neuere Version 2020W dieses Fachs/Moduls im Curriculum Bachelor's programme Technical Physics 2023W vorhanden.
Workload Mode of examination Education level Study areas Responsible person Coordinating university
42 ECTS Accumulative subject examination B1 - Bachelor's programme 1. year Physics Peter Zeppenfeld Johannes Kepler University Linz
Detailed information
Original study plan Bachelor's programme Technical Physics 2013W
Objectives Introduction to the scientific approach and methods of solving problems in physics. Application of these methods to specific physical systems.
Subject I.
Physical quantities and units, forces, kinematics and dynamics of point masses; Newton's laws, gravity, conservation laws of energy, momentum and angular momentum; inertial frame of reference; Galilei and Lorentz transformation (introduction to the theory of relativity); rigid and deformable bodies; oscillation; liquids and gases; basics of thermodynamics, laws of thermodynamics; kinetic theory of gases.

Electrostatics; electrical currents; magnetic fields; fields of moving charges; magnetostatics; electric and magnetic fields in matter, polarization, induction; alternating current circuits; Maxwell equations and electromagnetic waves, Lorentz transformation of the electrodynamic quantities.

Maxwell equations, wave equation, refractive index and dispersion; reflexion, transmission and refraction, polarization and anisotropic materials; Fresnel equations; geometrical optics; optical devices; interference and coherence; wave optics; diffraction; guided waves; basics of photonics.

Radiation laws; basic experiments and fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics; particle-wave duality; Schrödinger equation and its application; atoms with one and many electrons; spin, Pauli principle, periodic table; chemical bonding and molecules; atomic and molecular spectra; quantum optics; basics of nuclear and elementary particle physics.

Bond types in solids; crystal structures; diffraction on periodic structures; lattice dynamics and phonons; thermal properties; electrons in solids; electronic band structure; electrical transport; metals, semiconductors and insolators; dielectric properties; magnetism; superconductivity; crystal defects; amorphous solids.
Subordinated subjects, modules and lectures